I'm still processing my last fight with my partner, last Saturday. I wish I could do it over because I would do many things differently but I can't. Some of the things he said to me have stuck to me like spaghetti on a wall, particularly the one about conflict avoidance which we were discussing on the PI board. The reason that one is bothering me is because there is someone who is avoiding conflict in his life: his wife. He's had to file a motion to compel to get her financial affidavit. I know with a person with BPD traits there's no point in going over what was said in the past, that is I think he projected his wife's bad traits on to me, however I want to defend myself against that in the future. I am guessing that in this case self knowledge avails everything. In other words if I know myself then what he says to me won't matter because I will know it doesn't apply. So then my next question is do 'normal' or 'regular' relationships require this amount of self knowledge? I've never had a 'normal' or 'regular' relationship in my life, so I have nothing to compare it to. How do 'normal' or 'regular' people treat each other?
Just for comparison, today my partner is all loving, telling me how much he misses me, wants to be with me, is serious about being with me.
Contrast that with this text message from last Tuesday.
Then I have no interest in talking to you further
Good day
Right I do not like your attitude at all... .
I am sry I called you. You just are creating drama today that has nothing to do with us. I can either help you with this or you can call me when you get it under control your choice
Do not talk to me again about being abusive until you yourself stop
I love you
I can't forget about text messages like this, ever, and I also can't talk to my partner about them because that will do no good.
My belief is the more I disengage when there is any kind of problem at all the less of that kind of text I will get.
What do you think?