Hi Claudiaduffy,
I too have had dreams about my uBPDm who passed away a few years ago. It's rather unsettling, but like you, I also remind myself that she is indeed now gone. The dreams have never been pleasant, unlike those I've had of my dad (he passed away 6 months ago).
But in my dream, I remembered that she is actually dead - really really gone - and while I didn't realize I was having a dream, I was able to tell myself "This isn't real. You never have to have this kind of interaction with her again."
It sounds like you are processing a lot of things, and it sounds like a normal part of the grieving process in it's own way. I found myself grieving my uBPDm totally differently than I have my dad. The grief class I'm currently attending to help me with the loss of my dad has brought up some interesting points that touch on the difficult relationship I had with my mom. This week's session talked about when we lose someone and there was conflict in the relationship. One person said that they chose to go back and remember the early years of the relationship that were good, and not the bad ones. As I pondered that, I realized that I have very few happy or good memories of my mom. They became overshadowed by the daily and hourly struggles and conflict that the children of borderlines endure.
I like how you pointed out what you were able to do:

It's been an education, now that she is no longer adding her daily new toxicities to my life, to realize how frequently I actually had been in the habit of collecting the "pretty things" that constituted most of my contact with her. Since I didn't trust her or miss her or feel warm feelings toward her, I had taken to showing her love in one of the few ways I still could - sending photos or voice mails or YouTube videos or small packages of whatever I knew she would like. And she did love receiving these pretty things, even though she wanted so much more that I couldn't give her.