Hey, Aussieguy77.
I hear you say you feel your life has come crashing down. After nearly nine years with your wife and a child together, she had an affair with your friend and has had you arrested for domestic violence and hospitalized for suicidal ideation, and now she is using those things to try to take custody of your son from you while continuing in a relationship with your former friend. Any one of those things would be painful on its own, and I think anyone might become depressed in your shoes. I hear your pain at feeling betrayed and forced to cope with circumstances you didn't want, and it's frightening to think about what will happen in a custody battle because you love your son so much. That also seems doubly unfair to you because you feel you've spent more time raising him. Your wife's vindictive behavior hurts so much and the battle feels so exhausting that you have felt driven to suicide twice. You are not alone. You know from reading here that we have many members who have been in your exact situation. As difficult as it is, your feelings will not feel so overwhelming forever. Things will get better. It's really good that you already have ongoing professional support, and I'm glad you feel safe posting here, too. I hope you will keep reaching out.
Like Naughty Nibbler, I want to make sure you have a safety plan in place. It's good to have the suicide hotline number in addition to your therapist in case you begin to feel suicidal again. I have been there and know how abruptly it can come on. You're important, and we want you to be safe. Have you already worked on a plan with your psychologist?
This statement really resonated with me:
I don't know how to be her adversary. All I ever wanted was to put my family back together.
It's heartbreaking. I can hear how much you want things to be different and how much you love your family. I'm really sorry you're having to go through this and that you're being put in a position to have to fight against someone you care about so deeply. I hope you will keep posting and letting us know how we can help. We'll do our best to help you look at the reality of your situation for the best possible outcome.
Wishing you peace,