Pook075 and kells76,,
Thanks for the detailed responses. I think laying it all out to those of you that know where to call out yes that comes with the territory initially or no that’s something deeper helps me navigate it. After some sleep it is helpful to at least have some direction that is a bit more directed situationally.
Pook075, thanks for the confirmation that I can defend myself. It’ll take some time to find a way that will click but it is useful to know that there isn’t this community expectation that I do all these things to help him feel better when I’m being decimated. I am definitely someone that has been fearful of committing to very firm boundaries because when he is rage charged he doesn’t handle it well and those moments where I try to set boundaries he takes as a challenge to break me. Almost like a “oh yea? I’ll show you”…
I’ll will work on building courage & consistency with sticking to what action I say I will take. It helps to know that it’s not a hinderence or “ego/pride” ruling it but claiming back some respect.
kells76, “Younger” depends on how young most people typically get on here.. I’m 33F & he is 37M. We don’t have kids together but have a dog. It’s not really part of our plan right now as he’s got pessimistic views on the future of the world as a result of not being able to sit with conflict. Wasn’t like this but now w. ongoing world conflict, his obsessive escape to Reddit “ to stay updated” does him no favours in trying to find calm. Kids would be nice but we both know it could be challenging for me, he makes ultimatum decisions over last yr daily but can’t make future planning decisions.. Might be TMI but ex of flip sides of coin.
On his mix of Comorbid disorders, it gets even more complex. A few months ago (aka well after we got married) I found out through his sibling a part of his upbringing that breaks my heart. As a 10 to 12 year old with a younger sibling he was the child playing grown up trying to break out nightly chaos (much like what he does to me) between his parents. They are different now to the point that I would have never guessed.. The sibling shared nightly he tried to keep the peace of the mom lashing out at the dad not having healed from some trauma in their marriage. Apparently it went on like that until one day he told the sibling he was not doing it anymore. They said that something in him broke & was never quite the same since then. In high school & years later enter alcoholism, drug abuse, constant physical fighting escalating in legal intervention. All of this in his past where I met him seven years sober and kind. My heart still bleeds having found out what he experienced. part of me feels like this explains why he can’t sit with uncomfortable feelings & part of me feels like I made a huge mistake letting him bully me into believing that if I discussed the drinking start he would leave me & destroy everything we built together in the process. Since then his parents know he was taking it too far but they are not at a place where they can try being tough love parents bc they’ve been through a lot with their son. the sibling shared that what I experience is what their parents experienced from him as a challenging teenager (without knowing he’s received the BPD diagnosis)
The meds actually help curb his drinking most days of the week quite easily except when he is on a super intense angry episode sober firs and can’t shut it off. Before starting the Wellbutrin there were a few times the morning after a rough night where he would tell me he thinks he hurts me so that he has a reason to justify drinking and doesn’t know why. This thought track has disappeared since diagnosed BPD & replaced with I am too much, I have screws loose, I never let anything go when I say that it hurts my feelings (when he yells at me to stop talking, shut up, name calling, screaming drop it) as of late I am a “cry baby” & “broken” because I cry when he calls me names you don’t often hear on American tv but sometimes British if you catch my drift.
I don’t know if this is going to be viewed as ranting but am sharing in case it provides you seasoned pros any A-ha moments…
Anyway, the part about life events being able to send everything into a tailspin and is likely not personal towards me as a person helps. It’s hard when like the book it’s I love you I hate you and not feel like he regrets marrying me.
I hear you with the meds- do you think that it can contribute to the increased frequency of episodes? When he is calm he seems fine and more focused and helpful until rage… or do you think he’s fighting coming to terms with BPD “label”?
Thanks both of you, I’ll give the hammer metaphor a whirl so that it doesn’t feel like it has to be both emotional validation & boundaries each & every time.
A typical conflict as a movie scrip?
* goes on for hour. The night’s over & doesn’t turn around same day. Ex: past weekend:
M: WFH during wk because I had a bit of a cold.
Him calling on the way home from work: “hey”
Me: hey, how was your day?
PLEASE READ, I’m buying beers…
Me: baby, can you take a few minutes before you make the decision? On Saturday, you told me that you recognized that drinking when you are angry isn’t a good mix. Want to come home first & see if we can turn your day around?
Him: OH MY GOD, my name. Goodbye- *click*
Me: ** I’m going to let him cool off & hope he’ll think about it **
At home, but on cellphones: Me in the bedroom. Him downstairs in case I was on a teams meeting to not interrupt.
Him: did you take the dog out?
Me: yep, hey so I know I was sick last couple of days in but I feel now so once I’m done working (on laptop), I’ll get the bed sheets going in the laundry and dinner started. Do you know what…
Him: cuts me off - actually I’d rather you stay in there in case you are still sick.
Me: Partner’s name, Why? I’m fine . No fever, not covid etc … what’s…
Him: just stay up there just in case (not a germaphobe)
Me: voiceover thoughts: *confused because it’s literally was a cold & I was perfectly fine* thinking what is going on? Oooh he probably bought a LOT of beer? Shoot. I should check but he’s trying to isolate me up here weird… I should just go downstairs & see if I am right first… I’m almost done this one thing, I’ll see if I’m overthinking it… *Hears beer can crack ..
Me: “ugh, ok?”
*thinking breathe* no tone or tide, just confusion because this is weird…
Him: I dont want to get a cold, don’t be pissed at me
Me: babe, I am not pissed…. I’m a bit annoyed though
Him: why are you annoyed?
Me: I’m asking you understand that I’m not pissed … just not thrilled over the decision you made (to drink angry) bc it hurts my feelings since it was your decision to be more mindful since last weekend....
Him: cuts me off - “**** you, you’re ridiculous *click*
Like a toddler slams the door to go have a cigarette.
Texts me: wow, somehow you always have to find a way to fight with me …
*reality* he was verbally abusive the weekend before & stormed off after laying into me for a while for no reason! We were talking about something light & inconsequential & he snapped.
Me: is there a reason you’re verbally attacking me? Did I do something?
Him: yea, it’s just you, you’re my problem. Slams door - goes off to drink
Me: *reminding him why he promised is backfiring like always, since he’s engaging via text instead of brooding in silence I’ll factually state I’m calm & trying to explain in writing?
Me:. I’m not fighting. You asked my why I’m annoyed & I’m telling you why.. Just bc you are angry with me doesn’t change the reality that you literally told me on SATURDAY you would stop drinking at home alone or when angry and that you’re sorry. Just please help me understand why I’m not allowed to be annoyed?
If I just need to “deal” when you get mad than I ask you not to be one sided & respect that I have a right to not be thrilled right now. Again, I’m not lashing out pissed. Know I’m not fighting with you. I am asking you to respect my feelings.Swearing at me, telling me to stop and drop it makes me feeling unheard when I’m giving you a direct answer to your question. Can you please understand that if I’m already trying to not be super hurt, that invalidating my feelings makes me feel worse?
No answer, 10 min later (still doesn’t come upstairs even though he knows I am not on a meeting by now) he calls me:
“Can you just drop it now?”
Me: ok, can you please try not to cut me off & shut me down anymore especially when I am answering a question you asked please?
Him: no. You can never stop can you? *angry rant*
Me *in head frustrated scream* I’m going for a smoke.
Him: ducks me by going into powder room.
Me: witness he’s had 5 tall cans in less than an hr
Me: to myself out loud by accident “wow”
Him: storms out of powder room. Angry “what?!”
Me: *keep your cool, let it go this mean there is 0% reasoning* Nothing..
Him: ya you dumb b
Me: why are you calling me that right now?
Him: bc you are a dumb c
Me: alright enough *goes outside for smoke*
Him: continued tirade
Me: had enough after 15 min and walked back upstairs while he yelled at me where to go and other colourful anecdotes.
Him: passed out on the couch downstairs by 8. Woke up still a different person storms upstairs to the guest room and angrily tells not asks me to take the dog out (his duty at night)
me: can you please take a couple of breaths & try saying it in a different way that isn’t so agressive please and I can absolutely take her out.
Him: another tear as to why I am the worst
He passes out, I stay up all night reading a couple of BPD novels, deep dive what support there is out there for direction, find BPD family, create first post.
Next morning:
Still ridiculous doesn’t do the apology I don’t know why I act this way anymore like he used to and told me it’s my fault because I never let things go. I explained that’s not what is happening and that I simply want an apology for the things he said to me and asked if he can please take a few minutes to think through that I am not asking for a materialistic things, I just wanted him to say that he overreacted and that he would try to not explode every time I try to have a supportive collaborative chat re: trying to help you keep your word to me.
Him: Omg stop just stop it never ends you never stop it’s always nagging you’re the worst no wonder you don’t have friends. I am not apologizing when you’re ridiculous etc
And queue second BPD post while walking away going back to my room and cry.
Sunday he wakes up brings me coffee, motivated (new due to meds) cleans main level, I clean upper level, random mini freak outs throughout day.
Today: calls me on way home from work and starts getting pissy. Don’t have it in me to argue. Tell him, I can see that this is upsetting you and although I have a different opinion, I’d rather you not feel uncomfortable so let’s do it your way and move past this conversation since the topic puts you on edge? How far are you from home? He would not let it go and I had to remind him two other times that I was not fighting with him and said I addressed your concern by agreeing what you wanted so please let me know why you feel inclined to work yourself up as if I am arguing against you when I’ve said let’s just do what you want and move on to a topic that doesn’t stress him out so much. He could not accept that I was saying let’s chill out and had to get angry one more time so that he could be the one to say I’m done having the conversation bye and hangs up. Then after an hour he was back to his calm self.
It feels a lot like whiplash.
So not all “big explosions” are over a loaded topic but pretty much result in an exhausting experience that loops.One time I invited him to go out for dinner and he said ok all pleasant and when driving while I said literally nothing he could have mistook somehow got himself so triggered in his mind that he just started losing it without and kick off comment or point from me. Aka. Sometimes it just happens if I’m breathing and in the middle of trying to do something nice for him even.
I’m sure this is a longer “movie script” than anyone was anticipating but I might as well level with whomever wants to offer constructive criticism of where I’ve gone wrong.
Please keep in mind that I am a bit worn out, heh. I realized that in other conflicts I organically followed the SET UP example and it still fell on deaf ears. Well. This is the longest I’ve discussed what’s transpired so my apologies if I sound at all ignorant or one sided but I’m all ears, open mind. (Tried to shorten sentences until I ran out of the ability to condense my word vomit.