Pook075 thank you so much for your reply. I am very glad that your daughter has come through this and you are in a much better place.
You are right; I have to respect that that is what she wants- no contact - and I have to let her go as until she reaches her rock bottom and wants to engage with treatment and change there’s nothing more I can do. You have hit the nail on the head that my daughter can’t find a way to reconcile and this is the last way she can punish me to alleviate her suffering. I know I need to put this down now and stop blaming myself. I did the very best I could in very challenging circumstances. I have started therapy myself and it’s helping me reclaim my future. I am 66 now and wish to enjoy what time is left. She may change and return or she may never come back but for now I need to let her go.
I completely agree, I remember being in that phase with my daughter and wondering if I'd ever talk to her again. It was so hard and so draining, but it finally clicked that it wasn't my burden to carry.
The best you can do is let her know that the door is open to restore a relationship whenever she's ready. Everything else is on her. And that sounds so tough, so unfair...but it's also liberating. You are free of the guilt, the shame, the remorse and the fear as soon as you're ready to let go of it.