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Author Topic: Gone backwards and feel lost  (Read 385 times)
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What is your sexual orientation: Gay, lesb
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 89

« on: July 09, 2017, 05:07:48 PM »

Dear all

I feel like I have taken a million steps backwards and i actually feel at the moment that I will never move forward and on with my life.
My uBPDex is home from oz after 7 months - I was discarded before she went after a 4 month recycle. The replacement of 5 months has also returned with her (they met out there). The replacement lives approx 2 hours away but so far 2 weekends and they've visited each other. I actually feel physically sick and have sunk to a place I thought i was leaving. 5 months NC up until 2 weeks ago (a week before returning) and an apology text for how She treated me. I didn't respond and I then learned of her return.   

I am finding it all incredibly difficult, particularly as I was told before she left in Xmas day that she hated being here in the uk ... .she's back and seems a okay! Obviously it was just me she wanted to get away from having promised me the earth 3-4 weeks prior !
When does this end. Does she think of me Now she is home ? Do I ever cross her mind ? I'm 10 minutes down the road. I thought I was healing or at least trying but this has literally knocked me for 6. Maybe I should be grateful for the apology text? But all I feel is extremely hurt all over again ... .and I'm finding myself missing her. Dreamt last night that she'd text again and Resched out and we decided to try again... .madness I know but the dream was so vivid and I felt awful waking up! Took me back to dreams I was having on a regular basis about a year and a half ago after subsequent discards.

I actually don't know what to do. Part me wonders whether I should have replied to the apology text ? ... .her number has now changed and I have no idea what it now is.

I just feel super lost and can't stop thinking about them and what they are doing. It was hard knowing I'd been replaced so quickly ... .it's even harder knowing it's now here and not carrying on on the otherside of the world. Thank you for even reading .

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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 731

« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2017, 08:16:31 PM »

Hey KtotheK,

I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time right now ... .I know it has to suck beyond anything you've have felt before ... .but you reached out to the group and let me be the first to give you a hug ... . 

Ok ... .you've stumbled ... .you seem to be lost, hurt, not knowing where to go or what to say ... .SO ... .here's my hand to help you up    dust you off ... .pat you on the butt ... .and NOW the rest is up to you ... .I nor anyone else can't walk your journey for you. But if you continue down the path your currently on how do you see that going for you?  If you sit back down & do nothing how do you think that is going to work out for you?  Might I suggest to take the path to the right and lets see where that leads you too.  Doing the right thing (click to insert in post)

Your post is ALL about your exBPD and what they're doing ... .what they're thinking ... .where they're living ... .what they're ... .etc.  NOT once did I see anything about YOU taking care of YOU ... .where is that?  You were on a good path ... .then YOU let someone who is MENTALLY ILL with a Very Serious Cluster B Mental Illness to control you, what you do, what you think, your feelings, your emotions ... .DON'T LET HER !

Remember from some of your reading here in the group one of the BIG key's to successfully moving forward in YOUR life & leaving your exBPDr/s behind is finding a good therapist to help you sort through your emotions, thoughts & feelings that will continue to challenge you.  So really need to consider that sooner rather than later.

Next I would make a plan ... .WRITE it out. Get up 30 minutes early to watch that sun rise ... .I mean you might be in the UK so that might be kinda hard to do ... .  Smiling (click to insert in post)  Next get YOUR sense of humor back & laugh.  Eat a good breakfast ... .take time out of your day to laugh ... .enjoy the small things in life ... .they are really the big things in life when you look back at things.  When you get home from work go to the gym or better yet go for a walk or a bike ride & REALLY try to avoid going by that person flat.  Go to a gym with a friend ... .plan a weekend away with a friend. Plan your holiday ... .go to a funny movie ... .go to a comedy show ... .but get out of your flat & laugh.

Her behavior has NOTHING to do with you, what you said or didn't say, what you did or what you didn't do, where you live or where you don't live. She IS a Very Broken Person & there is NOTHING you, me, the entire group or modern medical science & pharma can do to fix or repair her.  SO Please stop worrying about her ... .

Take all this effort ... .this energy that you have and turn it inwards to yourself.  Work on yourself, learn to like yourself, love yourself, realize that you are an amazing person with a love of life. Enjoy that life~! Embrace it~!  Explore it~!  You don't need anyone to share it with ... .I believe once you truly understand that YOUR happiness does NOT & will NEVER depend on someone's else's happiness than the sun will be a little brighter, the air will smell a litter sweater, you will laugh more, you will smile more and then ... .then someone who is worthy of you ... .who respects YOU, enjoy's YOU, laughs with YOU, enjoys the quite time with YOU ... .that person will show up when you least expect it.  But until then ... .heal yourself ... .take care of yourself ... .be happy with yourself ... .

and watch these video's as often as you want too ... .it might actually help you see a different perspective ... .

This one might seem like it doesn't apply to you ... .but really listen to the words ... .  "Even the most confident & motivated people will need a helping hand at some point in their life".    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZQeMv5PXhg


And this one ... .NON's deserve 2nd chances ... .not for the dysfunctional BPD r/s ... .but NON's deserve 2nd Chances for THEMSELVES~!

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What is your sexual orientation: Gay, lesb
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 89

« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2017, 04:24:01 PM »

Hey KtotheK,

I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time right now ... .I know it has to suck beyond anything you've have felt before ... .but you reached out to the group and let me be the first to give you a hug ... . 

Ok ... .you've stumbled ... .you seem to be lost, hurt, not knowing where to go or what to say ... .SO ... .here's my hand to help you up    dust you off ... .pat you on the butt ... .and NOW the rest is up to you ... .I nor anyone else can't walk your journey for you. But if you continue down the path your currently on how do you see that going for you?  If you sit back down & do nothing how do you think that is going to work out for you?  Might I suggest to take the path to the right and lets see where that leads you too.  Doing the right thing (click to insert in post)

Your post is ALL about your exBPD and what they're doing ... .what they're thinking ... .where they're living ... .what they're ... .etc.  NOT once did I see anything about YOU taking care of YOU ... .where is that?  You were on a good path ... .then YOU let someone who is MENTALLY ILL with a Very Serious Cluster B Mental Illness to control you, what you do, what you think, your feelings, your emotions ... .DON'T LET HER !

Remember from some of your reading here in the group one of the BIG key's to successfully moving forward in YOUR life & leaving your exBPDr/s behind is finding a good therapist to help you sort through your emotions, thoughts & feelings that will continue to challenge you.  So really need to consider that sooner rather than later.

Next I would make a plan ... .WRITE it out. Get up 30 minutes early to watch that sun rise ... .I mean you might be in the UK so that might be kinda hard to do ... .  Smiling (click to insert in post)  Next get YOUR sense of humor back & laugh.  Eat a good breakfast ... .take time out of your day to laugh ... .enjoy the small things in life ... .they are really the big things in life when you look back at things.  When you get home from work go to the gym or better yet go for a walk or a bike ride & REALLY try to avoid going by that person flat.  Go to a gym with a friend ... .plan a weekend away with a friend. Plan your holiday ... .go to a funny movie ... .go to a comedy show ... .but get out of your flat & laugh.

Her behavior has NOTHING to do with you, what you said or didn't say, what you did or what you didn't do, where you live or where you don't live. She IS a Very Broken Person & there is NOTHING you, me, the entire group or modern medical science & pharma can do to fix or repair her.  SO Please stop worrying about her ... .

Take all this effort ... .this energy that you have and turn it inwards to yourself.  Work on yourself, learn to like yourself, love yourself, realize that you are an amazing person with a love of life. Enjoy that life~! Embrace it~!  Explore it~!  You don't need anyone to share it with ... .I believe once you truly understand that YOUR happiness does NOT & will NEVER depend on someone's else's happiness than the sun will be a little brighter, the air will smell a litter sweater, you will laugh more, you will smile more and then ... .then someone who is worthy of you ... .who respects YOU, enjoy's YOU, laughs with YOU, enjoys the quite time with YOU ... .that person will show up when you least expect it.  But until then ... .heal yourself ... .take care of yourself ... .be happy with yourself ... .

and watch these video's as often as you want too ... .it might actually help you see a different perspective ... .

This one might seem like it doesn't apply to you ... .but really listen to the words ... .  "Even the most confident & motivated people will need a helping hand at some point in their life".    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZQeMv5PXhg


And this one ... .NON's deserve 2nd chances ... .not for the dysfunctional BPD r/s ... .but NON's deserve 2nd Chances for THEMSELVES~!


Hey J
Thank you so much for responding and as always, you make so much sense.
Firstly my ex is undiagnosed - :she hinted at BPD on the last discard before going to the other side of the world. I'd never heard of BPD and did lots of reading as a result of what she thought and I  obviously found the family too as a result.   I do worry that maybe she / I am wrong and she isn't BPD and therefore she doesn't have the mental illness. There are traits and the way she has behaved and treated me all point to it, but it doesn't stop me worrying she hasn't and I'm / she was using it as an excuse for her behaviour- if that makes any sense?

You mention therapy and I have been in therapy / counselling for nearly 2 years now. I started going after the most painful devalue and discard which led to a 9 month break and NC. I'm sorry as I think you may know all this and I'm repeating myself ? A recycle occurred (4 months) and then the most recent discard!

You're  absolutely right when you say what am I doing for me! And I was on the right path before this latest twist as it were. And actually it makes no difference - nothing really has changed has it. She's still with the replacement, but just now back in the UK. And I just need to accept that and get on with looking afteR myself. I've felt a tiny bit better the last couple of days and the therapy over tlme has also obviously made me look at me and my part to play in being involved in such a r/s. It's been a roller coaster ride and at times very confusing but I have leaned lots and am getting my head round it all slowly but surely.

I so appreciate you reaching out J.

I do find myself Hoping their r/s will end, more so for peace of mind for me that she does have BPD/ BPD traits. But her behaviour - intense idealisation etc and then the way in which I've been left, all point to it .

I have to make me happy absolutely. It's a long road isn't it and I've realised that I'm still very much on it. I've taken a wrong turn and re-navigate right?

Thank you again x


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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Posts: 731

« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2017, 06:53:48 PM »

Hi KtotheK,

You know something ... .I didn't know a thing about BPD before my last r/s with a long time friend who I reconnected with. One day about a few months into our r/s she came to me & told me she was raging at her kids & wanted my help to stop it. She told me she thought she had a mental health problem ... .I'm thinking she already knew but was "easing" me into it. Why do I think that? Because she told me she had been in & out of therapy for over 25 plus years with Ph.d's & Clinical Therapist ... .so yeah she knew.

I did some research based on our talks, experience, her behavior, etc. and I showed her the data & thought she might be bi-polar & that meds could help "manage" the condition. She immediately told me that her therapist told her she was BPD ... .so I looked up the definition and said I would agree with what they're telling you. Then I dove into BPD, read, researched, even mentioned it in therapy for my own PTSD & adjustment issues from my time in the military. I was told I had codependent tendencies and started to research & read on that too.

The more I learned about BPD, & through therapy looked back at my childhood I could see how my step mother, step sister, 1/2 brother all had 7or8 or all 9 symptoms. Long story short, without a Ph.d diagnosing each one of them I've gone with the fact that they are & my therapists agreed. Growing up in that environment shaped my behavior ... .but this is important ... .I can relearn NOT to be a codependent, a rescuer, a perfectionist ... .and did ... .and so can you. It's hard work ... .no one wants to look at how broken a parent is do they? I mean they're the person you are suppose to look up to & ask all for all the answers to life great & small. We don't want to look at them as imperfect much less someone who has a Very Serious Cluster B Mental Illness.

I did a review of my past r/s and really remember the 1st psycho woman I dated in my early 20's.  It was confirmed by her father so I'm not just speculating. I went to meet her at her house & arrived early. Her father let me in the house & we had "That" talk. "What are your intentions of my daughter talk". I told him I could see us going along way. At which point in time he told me the "Family secret". He had committed her mother 1/2 dozen times to a mental ward over 30 plus years before she passed. He told me that her mother had been treated for a couple of severe behavioral problems over the years & the longest she had spent in the hospital was 6 weeks. That and the doctors told him it was most likely to be inherited via her DNA. He then told me that his daughter was starting to exhibit some of the same behavioral problems. He couldn't in good conscious let me go down the same path he did knowing what he knew. It took an incredible amount of personal strength & ethics to tell me the things he did and I respected him tremendously for it. We broke up a short time later when she as predicted started to behave in a negative way.

I tell you those things to help you & others who read this that your respective exBPDr/s  IS NOT YOUR FAULT~!   It was only after my last encounter with my now exBPD, doing a deep dive with the help of my therapist that I learned that I had really been around it all my life. That I behaved in the manner I did due to the house that I grew up in ... .I sought out my happiness by making others happy only to realized that I was subconsciously attracted to the same type of broken people that I grew up with. I had to stop the madness if I was to see any happiness in my lifetime. I've come to learn that there were a lot of broken people in my past life ... .just because they didn't have an "official" diagnoses ... .with enough certainty you can look back and know deep inside you that ... .yeah they're a very broken person ... .regardless if they have BPD or some other Cluster Mental Illness.

I'm happy to hear that you're continuing to see a therapist ... .I don't know how old you are ... .not that it matters ... .but seeing a therapist is not going to make everything better over night ... .it'll take some time ... .AND how willing YOU are to facing your history as part of the healing process. Once you're an adult you have a lot of history to recover and repair the damage that you have grown up with.

I am slightly wondering what you are worried about when you said ... ."I do find myself Hoping their r/s will end, more so for peace of mind for me that she does have BPD/ BPD traits."   If their r/s ends would you want to try again? If so what has really changed in her behavior to make you want to do that or are you just missing the idealization?  Because lets face it ... .subconsciously a NON loves the idealization, it's like a drug we're addicted too & can't get enough of ... .its roots back to our childhood looking for that attention, approval, caring & love we should have received from our parents and never did ... .   To me YOU are worried about HER and NOT YOU ... .

So ... .we can start a sub group here ... .I'll start it off ... .Hello ... .my name is J ... ."Everyone says HI J" ... . ... .my name is J and I'm addicted to idealization ... .lmao     Remember that part in my last post ... .GET YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR BACK !

You're correct KtotheK ... .the NON path to enlightenment is a bumpy & winding path full of pot holes ... .but that's what you have us here for right?  Doing the right thing (click to insert in post)   The important part is that you are reviewing your actions, your behavior, your thoughts and this is really important ... .YOU are recognizing that YOU need to take care of YOU~!  But getting there after a lifetime of taking care of someone else is hard modification for us to get done ... .it's hard ... .but NOT IMPOSSIBLE !    And YOU know YOU have to make YOU happy ... .Congratulations for realizing this!

You're doing ok ... .SO tell us what you did for YOU today? Did you take that walk? Did you eat a salad for dinner? Did you laugh today? Did you call an old friend you haven't talked to in awhile & catch up?  Did you watch the Sun come up?  Did you listen to nature at anytime today?  Did you plan your weekend with a friend or two to go to a comedy club?  Maybe a day trip some where & catch up, have a good time? Did you listen to some fun music today & danced in  your flat?

Your homework is to do at least one of those tomorrow and let us know which one you did?  Remember baby steps ... .small baby steps forward ... .YOU got this & we got your back KtotheK

Here's a little funny 5 stages of recovery for you ... .you know ... .for that "Idealization addiction" you have ... .lmao

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