So FF,
a while ago you wrote in a post something like "there are so many boundaries, there isn't much of a relationship".
It's been a while since you wrote that but it still sticks in my head. It felt like a meaningful statement to me.
I am not of your faith tradition, so I don't have the emotional etymology for "prevail upon" in the sense you seem to be using it. I do understand that for people with PD's their wants and needs will come first, and those wants and needs will often be different than what we hope for, or can participate with.
that's an unfortunate and sad reality.
Frankly, for a long time I have perceived you as my persecutor
my first thought wasn't about how your wife reacted to that statement. nor was it about the wisdom of including it or not.
my first thoughts were about the destruction of trust, the loss of hope, the betrayal of bonds and what that does to
us. to our emotional structure. how it
feels to switch from partner to persecutor.
I was in a relationship with a mentally ill person who I trusted with my life. who with I hoped and planned for a future. with who I shared a unique and deep bond.
my choice, my decision, my investment of time, energy and life.
I am only now starting to understand the cost of that investment. swept up in the moment, over shadowed by the stronger emotions in the room, my emotions, my feelings, my golden moments and my darker times got lost in the shuffle more times than not. I can't get that back.
P encouraged me to write and give her the letter. For this to be about me... .my feelings... my reality... .and where I am at.
I am glad to hear that P is shifting focus from the us, the relationship, the couple stuff to you and your feelings and where you are at.