Hi TallDad,
Nervous is normal
And I'm really sorry for what brings you here. These divorces are living nightmares.
There is a lot of collective wisdom here from people who have been in the same trenches, so I'm glad you found your way here and are reaching out. It helps a lot when others walk with us through these ordeals.
Have you come across Bill Eddy's book Splitting: Protecting Yourself While Divorcing a BPD/NPD Spouse? If not, it's a good one to add to your library. Eddy wrote his book with Kreger, who wrote Walking on Eggshells, and he (Eddy) is a former social worker who began working as a family law attorney, and recognized how BPD parents can become high-conflict personalities (HCPs) in the court system.
My ex was a former trial attorney -- charming, brilliant, and whatnot. I felt the same way that you did, worried he would run over me with a steamroller.
With help from friends here and a good attorney (and a good judge), I managed to turn things around. But I understand the fear -- when you've been bullied and abused, it's easy to think others will respond the same way. I was surprised to see how ill my ex looked when light was shone on his behaviors.
Have the court orders to block access been successful? How old are the kids? Are you living separately at the moment?
Feel free to share as much as you're comfortable sharing. I know it can feel a bit weird at first