Hi Notjoy!
Welcome to the Family! I am sorry to hear about what you have been experiencing. I know how hard it can when someone who were are involved with speaks to us in such harsh, horrible tones. My husband has BPD traits and I've come to see he is like anyone but he is just experiencing his emotions at a higher level of intensity and has trouble regulating them. It is hard for him. Looking at him through the eyes of compassion helps.
I had a time of not understanding what was real or not anymore before I found this site. That feels horrible! Being here has helped me to make sense of things and restore my sense of the world. My life is so much better for this!

Take your time, there is a lot to read here and absorb and eventually experiment with implementing.
There is a lesson on the right hand side of the page that is titled "Understanding your partner's behaviors" that is a good starting point. I suggest a lot of reading/rereading. Also, keep an eye out for Tattered Heart's posts because she is very skilled at using the tools here and gives us all a chance to concretely envision what we can do to make things better.
Take care!

p.s. None of your husbands insults are true, okay?

Toss it in the garbage!