We are now all targets... .She had a meltdown last night (fueled by alcohol) and went on a tirade of texts to my other DIL (who is also a target probably the main target) and is now saying that she and her husband are moving away. She is accusing my husband of treating our other son better, blah blah blah... .
Her husband, also our son, is not equipped to deal with this mess. He is a great loving person, awesome dad, but just not complicated and available for these type problems (I am not sure anyone is)
She won't go to counseling according to our son because she knows what they are going to say since" she majored in psychology in college... ." she is also drinkikng every night and he attributes this to the problem... .
What to do?
I am very sorry for your trouble. Advice giving, constant criticizing, and controlling behaviors are definetely symptoms of a personality disorder.
As far as your part.
1. Keep your marriage intact. (If you don't the dysfunction only grows and spreads)
2. Acknowledge that she is incapable of acting like an adult. (It is said BPD people are frozen at the age of their injury. Usually very young).
3. Develop a strategy to deal with her. Pacify her by letting her thing she is right, or ignore her.
4. Don't get other people involved. Triangulation is pulling other people into the mess. This is like warm water for a hurricane, it only makes it stronger. If you don't feed it, then it will loose strength quicker.
Learn how to deal with the 3Cs of BPD
Controlling, criticizing, and complaining
Understand these are the real problems that drive non-BPD people nuts.
They are core components of the BPDs operating system. They are hard wired into their brain and can't be changed.
The only thing you can change is your response to them.
These people will make you feel like your the crazy one so understanding their troubling behaviors and having a strategy to deal with them will make your life more calm.
You can change or control them, the only thing you can control is your response to their behaviors.