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Author Topic: Another cycle  (Read 426 times)
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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Posts: 1

« on: May 11, 2018, 01:08:41 PM »

I hope I have found the right place or I can be directed to the right place...
I just signed up for this site because, you see, I have no friends or family to talk to about a wife with Bi Polar.

 My wife has isolated me from all of my friends ,generally because she is jealous and thinks I am wanting to have a relationship with their wives. She makes it so unbearable to visit them ,talk to them on the phone or even say their names ,that I abandon them in the name of self preservation. Then after long periods of me ducking and avoiding them, they stop trying to contact me, and figure that I don't like them anymore.

It is literally less painful to have no friends. But she can have all the friends and relationships that she wants. Including ex boyfriends, male classmates from High school, things that she would literally blow her top over and make my life hell on earth if I did it.

The only television we watch is generally what she wants to watch. That has gone on for so long now , that she actually convinced herself that I like watching what she likes when my interests in TV shows are totally different than hers. If I choose a movie to watch ,she will spend the entire movie getting up and down leaving the room and being such a distraction that it is impossible to watch the show! Then she gets to change the channel to her liking and will sit quietly and watch it.

There is so much more, berreting ,mood swings out of control anger, controlling, I am practica;;y locked up trying to describe it.

Now she hates my brothers is jealous of their wives or just downright dislikes them for something innocent they may have done at a family function. Meanwhile they are trying to be embracing and welcoming to her, which she views as condecending and who knows!

I now hate going to family functions because she generally finds a way to not go because she feels uncomfortable and hates them and I am caught in the middle,defending her to my family when I would really rather tell them exactly what is going on, and how my life is a living hell!

 I can't leave, she has told me she'll kill herself or worse I saw how she made her ex fiances life a living hell.So I am running low on options.

 As I stay, this only gets worse and I can't imagine what this will escalate to. We have been married 20 years! amazing right!

 I sit here with a loaded 38 special in my lap weighing the consequences of the selfish act I am considering. She would lose her life insurance, My 85 year old parents ,who rely on me, would lose my support. My dogs, who I love ,would suffer greatly. But, I now hate my life, I hate my job and I see no future but worse than what I am living now. So how selfish is it?
This is a high level discussion board for solving ongoing, day-to-day relationship conflicts. Members may appear frustrated but they are here for constructive solutions to problems. This is not a place for relationship "stay" or "leave" discussions. Please read the specific guidelines for this group.

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Gender: Female
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Married
Posts: 134

« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2018, 01:27:55 PM »

You have come to the right place for support. We all have been where you are. My heart goes out to you. 
I am sorry you're in such a rough spot.
I'm a newbie here and I can offer support but not much advice.
I'm still struggling too.
But the first steps I took were to get into therapy. I never liked the thought of it but I stood there thinking I have nothing left to try.  I can't handle this alone anymore. I wished for death very often!
And I started reading" stop walking on eggshells"  and getting out of the house. Walking or going to local library.
I got an appt with my family doc and got some meds for my health issues.

Is your wife diagnosed bipolar?
Does she take meds? Therap y?

I too was so isolated that I had no one. My first "friends" have been in this board.
I can vent and talk through !y problems and I don't feel judged and I'm not pushed to leave or stay. Just supported and get different opinions and best of all it is confidential.

I'm doing the work! I'm baby stepping! I'm not a slacker!
Bill Murray in "what about bob?
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