Hi Jam812,

Can you please tell us more about the behaviors you are seeing? Does she seem to have many of the BPD traits, or few?
Are you working on your co-dependency?
with compassion, pearl.
It's been ongoing thru most of our relationship aside from the beginning (which seems to be common) abandonment issues, black / white thinking everything with her is either amazing or devastating, clinginess, mood swings typically anger or 'passive suicidal'(is how her therapist describes it), self destructive behaviour(were both recovering addicts shes nearing 1 year sober, 5 months on my side) promiscuity, history of bad and abusive relationships and cheating(old issue we had in the first year not currently taking place to my knowledge), attention seeking, needing constant validation of my love and commitment, dissociation, poor self image and lack of self worth.
She shows or has show nearly the whole gambit of typical symptoms and is also diagnosed and medicated for depression.
As far as my own co-dependence its something ive only started looking into recently and havent explored into it beyond google.