If she has any claim to the house, such as being on the deed, make sure she signs quit claim deed relinquishing her marital or financial interest in the home.
Also, make sure a check isn't written from your retirement account and handed to her. Probably this needs to be done by way of a QDRO, a Qualified Domestic Relations Order.
Generally one parent is designated the Primary Parent or Residential Parent or some similar term. Is that her? With equal time and joint custody it may not legally mean much more than that the children attend schools based on where she lives.
Also, is there any risk of her later choosing to send the children to private schools?
Thank you for these points,
FD! Yes, the deed is being prepared by my L, and will be held in trust by her L until I complete refinancing. And absolutely (in part thanks to similar advice I have seen you provide someone else on this board) the 401(k) funds will be transferred by QDRO only.
With regards to Primary Parent, I thought I was clear on that point, but guess I'm really not sure how that's handled here, so I did send a follow-up question to my L. I take it that with us electing to use a parent coordinator then that person will be the tie-breaker. But I will definitely get further clarification!
It is unlikely that she would try the private school route (neither of us has had much interest in that option for the kids, nor did we have any interest in the cost)... .but I understand the parent coordinator to be my resource--at least for now--to prevent that from happening.
The injury of losing control will likely not get easier for your ex. If she is like my ex, she will get stuck in a loop of eternal rehashing, incapable of repairing and recovering and moving on. Many of us found that our exes would stonewall and obstruct as a way to stay negatively engaged.
lnl, I can very much see the struggle with loss of control. Right now it is only manifesting itself in many different emails about all of the time she has had to spend in getting different financial details squared away on her end. And two very snippy and slightly long messages through the co-parenting web-service we signed up for.
One of those messages was about packing the kids up for their time with her this week. She had sent a text last night about toiletries they didn't need to bring. She was supposed to bring the kids by the house this evening (I'm away on a business trip) to get their clothes, etc. When I sent her a message this morning that clean clothes were folded and laid out for her to choose from, she fired off a long message about how I was supposed to know that her text about the toiletries meant she expected me to pack them up completely and she didn't have time to spend packing them up after driving all the way to get them and to the house to pick up their things.
Then later, in response to me mentioning a possibility of FaceTime with the kids this evening (because they had asked me when I dropped them off at school on my way to the airport), she fired off another snippy message about how too much FaceTime would be like "picking at the scab" and that we should set some guidelines. She complained about how I didn't encourage D9 enough to talk to her on the TWO occasions his past weekend that she wanted to FaceTime the kids (the kids didn't ask for the second round and actually said no at first), and how I made S5 think it wasn't important since I left him to talk to her alone and didn't sit with him to keep the conversation going (I went upstairs to work on laundry and give them privacy). She tried to tell me that the contact was for the benefit of the kids
and the non-custodial parent.
For both messages, I tried to use BIFF as much as possible. I didn't take the bait on several statements she made, and generally stayed as friendly as I could while still being firm. For example, I will not be obligated to sit and "chat" with her for the sake of making a show for the kids. That first conversation was bad enough for me, thank you.
So, yes... .I can see her seriously struggling with the fact that she does not control me anymore. And I'm starting to struggle myself (A LOT) with the realization of just how much she
did control me.