Hello Polarbearspirit & Welcome !
You have found a good and safe place to come to, learn, and as well vent.
We all found our way here one way or another, so now you are here and in good company.
We all share similar stories, and circumstances, we all want you to know that you are not alone in what you are experiencing, or else feeling in your own marriage relationship.
I would suggest that you now learn all that you can about borderline personality disorder (BPD), there is much to learn and understand… over time, with good knowledge and the resources (tools) that are presented here, you may well come to a point to where you are better able to persevere in your marriage, and as well get to a point of calm and peace of mind.
I was “lost in this” when I came here about a year and a half ago now… I was “at my wits end”… and ready to give up, and then I found this website; and this place has helped me immensely to better understand what I was, and still am dealing with in my own marriage relationship.
Travel around here on this board and others, navigate; and read what others are experiencing and going through, it is an eye opener as you wrote above…
(She) Showed me some articles that made my jaw drop. The more I read, the more I realized my wife had all the signs of BPD.
Here is a link ( a start) that you may find helpful, which is at the top of this “conflicted board”…
https://bpdfamily.com/message_board/index.php?topic=111890.0One of the biggest things that helped me get back to a normal(?), well at least safer… emotional footing was to understand boundaries, and thus to stop, or else derail the seemingly endless barrages on my own self-worth by my BPD wife (she is undiagnosed)… as I said, I was pretty beat up when I came here, I wanted answers as to why my wife was acting, and behaving the way she was…
I will close for now, but I will repeat the line about knowledge, learn all you can, read, read, and read some more about BPD, and the effects of, probable causes why, and how you may be able to deal with them in your marriage… learn terms like validation, empathy, and support… learn about JADE, and SET (acronyms),
I will tell you it’s not an easy road, or path… in fact it’s pretty dark sometimes, but many of us here have found our way through this BPD phenomena… and are making it, and you can too!
Keep posting and telling us more, tell us about what you are dealing with; and experiencing on a daily basis, and there are many here who may be able to help you through… this was true for me.
Best wishes, and hang in there Polarbearspirit, .and again welcome !