It sounds like you need some breathing space. Short of taking a vacation, are there things you can do to get away from him for a bit? How about going to a movie by yourself, catching up with an old friend, going to a lecture, visiting a museum, something different to change your behavioral patterns and to get healing alone time.
Yeah, I've been trying to do more of that kind of thing. I have after work things I do sometimes, and I also have been going to yoga on Sundays. I think weekends are the hardest because he always wants to do something, like go on a hike, with me. I love hiking, so I go, but I always worry about setting him off. I'm trying to find more things to do on my own, but it's also hard because I'm an introvert and I recharge at home. I try to do that on walks or in taking extra time to run errands before coming home. Believe it or not, errands are kind of refreshing because I'm doing them by myself without someone nattering at me all of the time.
Also, I just spoke to my mother and she has offered to buy me a plane ticket to visit them for however long I'd like. So, we'll see. That might be an option soon.