Hi Mangmo

Your relationship has clearly been volatile. How is anger management classes going? How long have you gone? I'm glad you have sought out individual therapy as well, and that you're taking responsibility for your actions. That's brave.
I get that you want to tell the therapist about BPD. I've been in the exact same place. It's so frustrating to see your partner apparantly just slide through therapy. We generally discourage members from pointing out in couple's therapy or to our partners therapist that we think they have BPD. You're going together I gather? What is lmft ?
Even if our partners are not really being honest in therapy, therapy needs to be a safe space. And if she is not being honest, it might not even be on purpose. "Abnegation" is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud. When a person is faced with facts that are too uncomfortable to accept, they are rejected - despite what may be overwhelming evidence. You can read more in this article
Get Someone into Therapy. I know your wife is already going, but I think what's in this article applies to your situatation.
The best you can do is continue to work on your behaviour. If you get to a place where you are calm and in general not triggered by what she says and does, she might start taking an honest look at her own behaviours as they will be much more visible. What do you think?