I’m sorry that religion has you tied down. Free of the same, I left a potentially equivalent situation.
I understand the hurt, it took me years (and this place) to heal. Sounds like her behavior continues unchanged. I’d heard the stories and history of my former mate (dodged marriage), even met a couple of her former guys. Coming to realize, they were pretty cool; she had/ has the problem.
My relationship with her eventually ended. After couples counseling and seven brakeups, she acknowledged something was wrong with her. I’d been willing to continue on, but the emotional scar tissue was too thick to avoid. So for only the second time (of seven), I left, for good.
From what I’ve learned in several books and many sources, BPD is often diagnosed as Bipolar, as medical insurance considers BPD incurable, and Bipolar treatable. My feeling is, once they’ve been discovered, even diagnosed, they move on. It’s easier in their minds to find someone else than deal with their condition, no matter how much they’re loved.
Twas like a drug, to me. But a drug that was killing me. Normal women seemed boring, or slow in comparison; not any more

She sounds like a legal liability. Her behavior has not changed, and likely never will. I found, the tighter you cling, the more explosive they become. Seems you have, too. And if that much water’s passed under the bridge, I’d feel free to let it continue flowing. Continue to heal, it took me years. But my No Contact policy needed to be followed, as they rarely stay away.