I suppose if I was able to cut in and validate her we may not have gotten to the point where my boundary was crossed.
"nipping it in the bud"...or "handling it before the monster grows too big" (you get the analogy) is preferable.
That being said...always keep in the back of your mind your boundaries and protecting yourself. If you get to the point where you are going to "boundary her", it is wise to state the issue
without blaming herBabe...I'm going outside to calm down. I can't have a conversation with interruptions."
That is so much better than "with you interrupting me".
Back to the real point we are teaching.
The "fact of the matter" that the physics of soundwaves getting to your eardrums
is not what she is interested inPerhaps she believes that you are ignoring her... (and that sucks) But FF thinks it is perhaps worse...most likely worse.
She likely believes that she doesn't matter to you (or whoever's attention the is trying to get)...then she gets in a "oh yeah...I'll make sure I matter to him" kinda mindset (regardless of positive or negative mattering)

This is tough stuff...and doesn't "come naturally"...so...re-read often.