She had told me that she had been diagnosed BPD early by a Dr however she was so afraid of the stigma she begged him to stick with Bi-polar. Or in her words her nursing career would be over.
Just a short note, that I'm often amazed by how often "outsiders" seem to assume that BPD is basically just "mild Bipolar", whereas your PhD wife's comment is more illuminating - a hospital may employ her if she's bipolar, but they are sure not going to employ somebody who's Borderline. Personally I blame the name, people wrongly think "Oh, borderline, like
almost ill" - as opposed to realising it's actually just "both neurosis and psychosis together so couldn't be qualified to either of those two sides of the line".
One of the too-many dBPDs in my life summarized it best, when she explained to an endlessly patient judge that "Well you know how bipolar people will have like manic periods for a few days or weeks, but then segue into a deep depression for a few days or weeks? I do that 3-4 times in a day".