It has been said more than once. But it can not be repeated enough.
Do not have children with a person that you might suspect in any way having an emotional disorder.
It may very well be that yes, divorce is your only option.
And to divorce early - lick your wounds, recover, then move on with life is much preferred over grinding on it for years, becoming deeper and deeper enmeshed, and then trying to unwind it all later. Divorce isnt a great option. But throwing years of your life and all of your own emotional energy and self identity into a black hole is a worse option.
Search here for 'black hole analogy' - as simply something to watch out for and be sure you do NOT get sucked into doing. Being in a relationship with someone who has a disorder is an emotional black hole that can never be filled. So you end up consumed by the need and can not live a healthy, fulfilling life of your own.
(found it):, you go into your garage and see an old bike. You think, I used to like this old bike, but I don't mind losing it if it takes care of that hole. So you throw your bike into the hole, where it vanishes without a trace. But the hole is still there. So, you go get all of your old favorite books from the house, and toss them in too. They disappear, but the hole remains. Soon, your DVD collection, computer games, musical instruments, and all the "frivolous" things in your house go down that hole, but nothing helps, the hole is as deep as ever. Increasingly distressed, you can start to toss more important things down the hole too. Work tools, money, foods, and, eventually, friends and family members, all vanish down that hole.
Eventually, all you have is an empty, lonely house with a big hole still in the back yard.
The day you decide to stop trying to fill that hole with important things from your life is the day you have decided to start taking care of yourself.