Great tip here. I'm curious as to the age that's appropriate for this type of therapy. How young is too young?
You don't have to wait until your children are in school. And some here have found that pursuing counseling even well into the teen years was helpful. Hey, even we here who have long since become adults see counselors and therapists!
My son was in counseling from age 3+ (play therapy) to 12 (graduated). The T tried to wrap up counseling when the divorce was final and then again when I got full custody. But the need didn't go away once there was a divorce decree or a change in custody. It was all about the conflict and disparagement and that didn't subside until I also had majority parenting time some 8 years after jumping into the legal matters, only then did my ex finally accept the boundaries (orders) set by the court.
A side point, at one point midway I tried to get another counselor's perspective after having gotten more authority from the court. I recall asking her whether my ex ought to bring my son to some sessions too. She got this shocked look and said No. She hadn't even met my ex but...
That experience revealed to me a problem noticed often during comments here.
Our misplaced sense of fairness. We reasonably normal people (Nice Guys and Nice Gals) have a normal sense of fairness but in our seriously abnormal circumstances we can't risk extending to our disordered ones anything (such as extra time and other "fairness" inclinations)
that could be used to sabotage us, our parenting, or our children's best interests.