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Author Topic: Looking for support  (Read 534 times)

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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Dating
Posts: 6

« on: August 21, 2021, 04:48:20 PM »


This is my first post here, so please be kind if I make any errors. I selected the "Bettering a Relationship or Reversing a Breakup" topic but in actuality I don't know what I want or need. I just need support and someone to listen to me. For some background, I'm a M and my girlfriend is a F. We've been together almost 3 years I have a previous marriage and a child. Currently my GF is in another country, all of our communication is via text or video chat.

My past with my ex-wife is a big point of contention with my GF. GF feels she can not have any firsts with me, especially strong feelings here in regards to kids and babies. My ex-wife and I "dated" off and on for a couple years while separated and getting our divorce, GF believes this means I still love ex-wife and will leave GF for ex-wife. There's other issues as well, but these are the two important ones for the following thing that happened tonight.

Tonight she went to a work BBQ. On arrival her first text was "They are talking about babies." This is her way of signaling she needs help. The problem is, I don't have a clue what she needs or how to help her. I ask her to call me so we can talk. Normally if we video chat we can see each other and that helps us calm down. But when she gets to a certain point, she will just flat out refuse or ignore my calls. That happened tonight. It feels like she wants to text so she can over analyze every single word I send. In the past, she will literally pick apart a word by the book definition taking it completely out of context to be angry.

I'm trying to use a validating strategy, only problem is. I don't have a clue what emotion she is feeling to validate. And she won't tell me, she will just clam up. There's been conversations that are literally 20minutes of me on the phone talking and her being quite and actually she will text me while we are on a video call that she refuses to talk. And she says I am condescending, so I don't think I'm doing it right. I'll try to say "I know you are feeling XYZ," or mirror back to her what she sends me. But honestly via text, yea it does sound condescending. There's no tone, and its so frustrating she won't answer my calls at times. Admitally, I'm not the best at handling emotions myself.

So back to tonight, after asking her to call and realizing she won't. I try to validate her emotions via text. "Baby, I know it doesn't feel nice hearing people talk of babies." She says I'm condescending and don't understand. Well she's right, I don't understand but she also won't explain to me. We were going to watch a TV series "together" tonight and a film tomorrow. By "together" we start it at the same time and text throughout so we feel as if we are watching it at the same time. She left the BBQ so we could watch our TV show tonight and after I tried to call her, but she refused to answer.

Then starts the text war from her. She sends me a string of texts, "It must of felt wonderful having your first child," "You must of really loved your ex-wife," "I bet you'd leave me in a second for her," and it goes on with a few profanities thrown in. Something I've learned from my therapist is at some point I just need to tell her, "I'm done talking, I love you but I'm taking a step away." Then comes the texts from her "Oh you abandoning me, great!" plus about 20 other texts ranging from "If I was your exwife you'd answer," "you never abandoned her, look how long you dated her after being divorced," "Great go think on your previous life and how much you loved it."

I send her another text along the lines of, "I'm not abandoning you, I never will. I love you, good night. Lets please still make our meal together tomorrow and watch our film."

Her response back is "Yea good luck, I'm not doing anything with you or talking to you tomorrow."

Then about 20 more texts along the lines of how much I don't love her.

I'm at a lose for what to do. Fact is, I love her to death. When we are together life is honestly perfect. We might have little issues, but we can normally hug it out. We've been apart now for 3 months and have another 2 to go. She came to visit me a couple weeks go for 14-days and again, wonderful!

I know the meal/movie she refuses to do tomorrow is just to hurt me. And then sometimes she expects me to just do it and she will join in, if that makes sense. Like she wants me to start doing it to show I'm not angry at her and want to do things with her, but then I feel like I'm placating her and enabling her behaviors.

Its like I have two version of the same GF. What I've termed, and she does at times too, Rational GF and Irrational GF. For instance yesterday she almost started with an issue, we were able to resolve it and she could calmly state "I'm sorry I get lost in my own head sometimes, I love you lots." Then there's tonight, which she will not apologize for, and I have no clue how long this irrational version of her will be here. And I hate dealing with the irrational version, there's nothing I can do or say to make her calm down. Most times she even expects me to "help" her while she doesn't talk to me.

She refuses to see a therapist, and I've never told her she has BPD. However, she herself admits to almost every criteria to be diagnosed, her childhood is textbook (literally) for it, and my own therapist has stated he believes she has BPD. My own therapist has tried to help me, but honestly he is more focused on my own self-care. And frankly has started to tell me to just leave her. I don't have a strong support network, and recently moved to a new place. I basically have no friends or contact without people outside of work.

I'm sorry for what is maybe rambling at times. I'm sitting here typing this with tears in my eyes, which sadly my GF doesn't even care about anymore she views it as a sign of weakness and attacks more. If something needs clarifying please let me know. I feel so alone. I love her so much, and in her rational state I have no doubt she loves me. But when her irrational is here, I'm just at a complete lose. A couple months ago she even broke up with me almost every other week, then when we were in person she said "I never really broke up with you." Well could've fooled me. A "**** you we are over." blocking me, and deleting the application we use to talk...sure felt like I was broken up with.

I want to help her, but I don't have a clue what to do. I've encouraged her to get therapy, but sadly she's witnessed how it did nothing for her mom (in my opinion it did help her mom alot actually) and she just doesn't believe in it. So that's not an option now. When we are in person again, I can get her into therapy, but while she's in another country there's no way.

The thing that frustrates the most, is when she becomes rational again...she will fully recognize how hateful she was. Its just in the moment, and I understand, she redlines and has no idea what she is saying or even doing.
This is a high level discussion board for solving ongoing, day-to-day relationship conflicts. Members may appear frustrated but they are here for constructive solutions to problems. This is not a place for relationship "stay" or "leave" discussions. Please read the specific guidelines for this group.

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Gender: Female
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner’s ex
Posts: 3731

« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2021, 11:03:27 PM »

Hey RN123456, glad you found the group. You're definitely in the right place for support and listening ears. So many members here have experienced challenging relationships like yours -- the "it's like she's two people" idea is very familiar.

I want to commend you for reaching out for help, not only here, but also with a therapist of your own. I also noticed in your post that you're open to trying new tools and skills, and that mindset can take you far if you're interested in trying to change the dynamics in your relationship.

Admittedly, LDRs (long distance relationships) are challenging even if the partner doesn't have a PD (personality disorder). That being said, nothing in your post seemed to indicate "it's totally hopeless" or "there's nothing you can do".

When we start using tools, we are necessarily not the most skilled with them, and our ability to skillfully use a tool improves as we get more feedback on our use. Kind of like if you held a hammer for the first time, and tried to hammer with the side of the head -- ok, it sort of works, but there is a change you can make that makes it more effective.

That's the vibe I'm getting from your post. You totally are open to using some tools, but they haven't seemed to work super well so far -- she often just escalates. Not helpful.

Validation is like learning to use that hammer. When you get some feedback, you can keep using the same tool/idea in a more skillful and effective way. This is an incredible group for walking you through those interactions and showing you "hey, that text she sent about babies? What if you tried this other reply instead?"

How is all that sounding to you so far?

I hope you have a peaceful night tonight and are able to do something really caring for yourself.

Write back whenever works for you;


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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Dating
Posts: 6

« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2021, 06:39:22 AM »

Hey RN123456, glad you found the group. You're definitely in the right place for support and listening ears. So many members here have experienced challenging relationships like yours -- the "it's like she's two people" idea is very familiar.

I want to commend you for reaching out for help, not only here, but also with a therapist of your own. I also noticed in your post that you're open to trying new tools and skills, and that mindset can take you far if you're interested in trying to change the dynamics in your relationship.

Admittedly, LDRs (long distance relationships) are challenging even if the partner doesn't have a PD (personality disorder). That being said, nothing in your post seemed to indicate "it's totally hopeless" or "there's nothing you can do".

When we start using tools, we are necessarily not the most skilled with them, and our ability to skillfully use a tool improves as we get more feedback on our use. Kind of like if you held a hammer for the first time, and tried to hammer with the side of the head -- ok, it sort of works, but there is a change you can make that makes it more effective.

That's the vibe I'm getting from your post. You totally are open to using some tools, but they haven't seemed to work super well so far -- she often just escalates. Not helpful.

Validation is like learning to use that hammer. When you get some feedback, you can keep using the same tool/idea in a more skillful and effective way. This is an incredible group for walking you through those interactions and showing you "hey, that text she sent about babies? What if you tried this other reply instead?"

How is all that sounding to you so far?

I hope you have a peaceful night tonight and are able to do something really caring for yourself.

Write back whenever works for you;


I want to thank you so much for your kind words. It often feels so hopeless at times and like there's literally two different people I am talking to.

The analogy of hitting a nail with a hammer really struck home. For instance this is one of our conversations from last night:

Her: Good Night
Her: Hope you enjoyed your evening
Her: Mine was awful
Her: I will not call you tomorrow
Her: And I will not watch our show
Me: Good Night baby, I love you always. I know your evening was awful, is there anything I can do to help?
Her: I can never talk to you
Her: You can never help because you can't deny any of it.
Me: What  do you mean, can you tell me why?
Her: Its all **** true
Me: I know you're hurting baby, I don't want to take away from that. And it's very, very hard sitting through those conversations for you.
Her: I'm not talking about the **** conversations.
Her: I'm talking about your **** experiences with her. (her being my exwife)
Her: Being with her in **** labor.
Her: I'm not **** hurting
Her: And all you do is be **** condensing
Her: I **** hate everyone
Me: I love you so much.
Me: Please cuddle "Stuffed Animal" she has from me (Its kind of her "safety blanket")
Her: You're **** unhelpful
Her: You actually make me worse not better so thank you
Me: I'm here for you, always. You're absolutely right. I hardly ever know what to say. I am always here for you though, don't forget that. Just a text or phone call away.
Her: You never are.
This kind of goes back and forth for a few more minutes until I decide enough was enough and she's crossed the line. In therapy I've been able to identify that what she does turns into abuse quickly and then it's time for me to just disengage. Working with my therapist the best way that seems to work is to just ignore her, but tell her why:
Me: Good night, I love you. If you want to talk, please give me a ring and I'll check my phone. Right now all I'm doing is making you angry. So I'm going to take a pause on texting for a bit.
Few more insightful bits from her.
Me: I'm not going to be talked to like that. I love you and I'm here, good night, I love you.
Those texts started at 9:07pm and ended around 9:23pm for reference. One of her "things" (is there a better word?" when she becomes dysregulated is that she will send a flurry of texts. During the day I'll purposely delay my responses a bit to get her to slow down.
Then 23 more messages berating me for the next 15minutes.

This morning I woke up to this (all from her). The numbers are the time stamp.
5:00am: That's all you are capable of.
5:01: You couldn't even deny anything I said.
5:16: I don't think I'll get through another two months, knowing  you won't help me.
6:43: Maybe you think you're protecting me. But I think you are trying to protect yourself.
6:43: I don't think I can do this.
6:43: I wish I could act like it doesn't matter, that I'm fine knowing you've been through all that with her. But I'm not.
6:44: I don't know how to be, I'm triggered everyday.
6:47: You can't even help me when I'm desperate.
6:47: You can't even help me.
7:02: I was in a really dark place last night, I'm not in a good place this morning either. But it felt like you were trying to just brush me a side like nothing was wrong.
7:19: I do acknowledge I'm **** up, but I don't know what to do.
7:31: I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge how calm you were last night, I wish I had called.
7:41: She called me.

We talked for all of 10 minutes before she hung up on me. I sent her:
I love you, I'll text you in a couple hours to check in. And we can call again after work.
Her: I don't know if you'll ever help me.
Her: **** you
Her: We won't call
Her: I tried
Her: You failed me.
She sent those 5 texts within the span of 30seconds.

She also has a bit of a pattern to her behavior when she's being ignored, or sends the morning texts. It starts out as "I hate you," turns into "I hate myself" then ends with "I'm so sorry." and normally after the sorry portion is when she will actually try to reach out via a call. But I've come to learn she's still dysregulated. For instance this morning, during our 10-minute talk. She didn't speak. She only texted me in response.

The one validation I refuse to give her, is she wants me to admit to certain things that occurred in my marriage. "I already experienced it all, I was always there for my ex-wife, I've already bought all the baby items, already experienced a baby, already had a first child, already had pictures on the wall." This is one of the boundaries I've been working on my therapist with is establishing that talking about my previous relationship is not healthy for either her or mine mental state. Previously I let GF get way too far into the weeds of my previous relationship thinking I was helping her. It wasn't until we hit a breaking point that I realized, through the help of the therapist, I was actually enabling her.

Thinking now and typing this out, GF did send me a message yesterday. One of her big fears is I'll choose my exwife and leave GF for exwife. I'm not sure if I should try and craft that into a validating statement? I seem to be missing the mark on every emotions I try to identify. She will rarely, if ever, tell me what she is really feeling and leaves me to guess. According to her, I always am wrong. GF will act she is fine, when obviously she's not. Probably the most frustrating part for me. I want to support her but it becomes impossible when she won't even tell me what she is really feeling.

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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: Dating
Posts: 6

« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2021, 07:44:59 AM »

Here's the current text string if anyone has any insight on what I should say:

Her: I'm not having a good day, nothings different from this morning.
Me: I'm here, I always am for you. Even if I don't say the right things. I'm holding your hand now. You're not alone, you're not abandoned.
Her: You were always there for her too, through it all.

Luckily we are both working today, so it's not a flurry of rapid back and forth texts.

In the past I've typically tried to get her to refocus on us. Ignoring her is kind of the nuclear option, and one I'd like to avoid. But at the same time I can't let her go down the street of always bringing up my ex. It puts me in a horrible mental state and some of the things GF says when she goes down that street...truly strike me to my core.

So in the past, I'll say things like "I'm not with her, I'm with you." I've tried before to say "Yes I was with someone else, but I'm not anymore." And it seems either of those approaches just send her into a straight tailspin. Although she wants me to acknowledge my previous relationship, when I do she normally blocks me for days or "breaks up" with me. I put that in " " as to me, she's really breaking up with me. But to her it was more to see if I'll come back I think.

If anyone has any idea what to respond, or how to better craft a message I'd be so grateful.

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What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Romantic partner
Relationship status: married; controlled contact
Posts: 15

« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2021, 08:42:00 AM »

Random, I'm glad you've found this website and this group! I'm new here too. I can relate to these types of texts. I am often at a loss at how to respond. I'm slowly becoming more mindful and aware of how my ubpdh (undiagnosed BPD husband) says similar things to shift his negative, painful emotions on to me, yet looks to me to soothe him. He often puts me in "no-win" situations where nothing I say will be "helpful". I am a novice at all of this, but here are some things I've found helpful.
I read "Stop Walking on Eggshells" and "The High-Conflict Couple"
I searched this board for topics such as JADE (don't justify, argue, defend, or explain); FOG (doing/saying things out of fear, obligation, guilt. Enmeshment (very eye-opening to me) and Validating/Invalidating.
Someone pointed out that before I can learn to validate effectively, I have to also learn how to NOT invalidate. I don't know if this applies to you, but I found it incredibly useful. Below is a list of examples of invalidating sayings. I wish I could find the post with this list so I could give it proper credit. (my apologies!)
"Words and phrases that are invalidating to others:
•   Ordering them to feel differently- "Don't be mad. Get over it."
•   Ordering them to look differently- "don't look so sad."
•   Denying their perception or defending - "that's not what I meant"
•   Making them feel guilty- "I tried to help you"
•   Trying to isolate them- "you are the only one who feels that way"
•   Minimizing their feeling- "you must be kidding"
•   Using reason- "you are not being rational"
•   Debating- "I don't always do that"
•   Judging and labeling them- "you're too sensitive"
•   Turning things around- "you're making a big deal out of nothing"
•   Trying to get them to question themselves- "why can't you just get over it?"
•   Telling them how they should feel- "you should be happy"
•   Defending the other person- "she didn't mean it that way"
•   Negating, denial, and confusion- "now you know that isn't true"
•   Sarcasm and mocking- "you poor baby"
•   Laying guilt trips- "don't you ever think of anyone else?"
•   Philosophizing and cliches- "time heals all wounds"
•   Talking about them when they can hear it- "you can't say anything to her"
•   Showing intolerance- "I am sick of hearing about it"
•   Trying to control how long someone feels about something- "you should be over that by now"
•   Explanation- "maybe it's because _____ "
Actually, go through each of those invalidating statements/responses and think about how it feels/how it felt when someone used those statements on you!"

It's great that you have a therapist who seems to be familiar with bpd who's helping you work on yourself. You're definitely not alone! Hang in there!
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