From your detailed description I wonder - do you journal? If so, can you describe how you got started and what that looks like for you?
I have kind of a cyclical journey with this. I can’t focus on it all the time because it still depresses me and makes me resentful, so you might notice I am in and out of this site.
How do you relate with co-dependency?
Thanks for your comment Hope4Joy. I don't regularly journal, but at the end of every year I try to take down some notes of what happened in that year. 2020 was huge for me because in early January I learned about BPD so I wrote down some of the emotional stages I went through. I also meet with a counselor at work on a monthly basis so for that I'll write down a few bullet points of major things I want to talk about and I keep it all in a running list on Google Drive.
As far as co-dependency goes... I literally JUST learned about what it was through reading this forum... and it resonated a lot. One of my goals this year is to work on this. Any advice?
*Also, I can relate to BPD info being overwhelming... from time to time I need a break too... In fact, sometimes I come to the forum thinking I want to read a bunch of posts and contribute, but I have to leave because it takes too much emotional energy.