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Cat Familiar in welcoming you and talking about the subject that made the MOST improvement in my relationship with my pwBPD
Please don't expect the first few to go well...just don't. It will feel different for both of you (this doesn't mean you should try...just want to set your expectations)
I love the boundary statement that you said...I just kinda wish you had said that to us and yourself and NOT to an emotionally raw and unstable person. They are interested in "warmth" and not details of when they can and can't speak.
Remember...boundaries are much less about what you do and much much much less about what you say or how you say it.
So...what might have worked better.
Him: blah blah picture..blah blah you don't care...blah blah he turned me into a Newt...blah blah but it got better...
You: Oh my..that sounds important lets take extra time during my lunch break today and discuss this.
How do you think he would respond to this
If he is more worked up, give him a dichotomous choice, very important that he has a choice..especially when fired up...
but make sure either choice works for youyou "Hey babe that sounds important. I can chat more about it during my lunch break at (time) or my coffee break at (time). Which would you prefer?"
How do you think he would react to that?
Let's say it goes badly...and he starts "blah blah...you don't want to talk now...blah blah never listen to me...blah blah care more about work than me and your mother was a hamster..."
Step one..stay calm and friendly.
"I'm not going to discuss this during work, please give me some space."
him "blah blah blah and your father smelled of elderberry"
At this point I think you walk from the room...go to another room where you can lock the door and put on headphones or perhaps drive to a cafe' where you can use internet. (Your words have been proven not to work at this point..so it's all about your actions)
Now...all of those were notional things. My point is not for you to memorize them...but to imagine how these things could progress in a healthy way.
Wash rinse repeat...
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Cat Familiar suggested?