Sunshine1111, welcome from me, too.
Anyone would be confused, at minimum, in your situation. I wonder if it's almost "worse" because he is genuinely remorseful and regretful after the fact, so there's that, yet then there's also what he is doing -- the disappearing, the other woman, the "getting lost" in the BPD stuff in a way that you guys haven't experienced before.
This just makes so much sense to be asking right now:
I am questioning everything. Does he REALLY love me?
It's a huge question for people whose partners have BPD (whether traits or diagnosed).
I wonder if you've seen this thread before, over in our "Psychology questions and answers" board: through "did s/he ever love me" is a core question for you and others. I'd be curious to know what you think after reading through that thread.
Good to see you back here;