That's great to hear about how the positive choices you make contribute to changes in the relationship!
This seems like an important balance that you have found:
I took a breath and drove home. When I got in it was what I expected. Lots of screaming about how could I do this. I stayed calm and said "I can understand why this would make you upset". I agreed with the things that seemed true to me and did not engage with anything else. I calmly went about cleaning up some of the kitchen and other items on her list. She started calming down. Within 10 or 15 minutes we were back to talking about our days and having dinner. The rest of the evening went very smoothly.
I had another experience with that this past weekend. We were away on a little vacation just the two of us. She got upset about something else. I agreed with what I could, stayed calm, and gave her a little space. She calmed down and we had a lovely vacation.
You validate what's valid, and you don't validate what isn't valid. That's so important for keeping your own sense of self strong, and not feeding resentment at "I just have to agree with everything she says all the time, so I'm walking on eggshells after all".
You've found that you don't have to agree with everything she says... and things can still go ok!
Even though there will still be ups and downs in your future, you are building strength as you practice these tools and approaches over and over.