Hi Harris and welcome to the group

You're not alone here in coping with a spouse with multiple issues including BPD type behavior. It's so challenging and stressful, especially with kids involved.
How old is your teen daughter? What kind of support does she have right now -- is she seeing a counselor?
When your W had "prescription medicine misadventures" leading to unconsciousness -- which sound to me like OD's -- did those lead to any kind of psychiatric ward stay, or psych involvement?
Where is she currently, as far as you know (hospital, shelter, friends...)?
It's interesting that she says she wants family counseling. What do you think she would say the problem is?
Glad you are able to use this time apart as an opportunity to focus on yourself and what you need. Counseling/therapy is a great idea

Lots of questions, so I'll pause there to hear back from you.
Glad you reached out; we'll be here for you;