I feel like I just need to vent. So, a few days ago after messaging my pwBPD, letting her know I want to work things out, and when she wanted to talk she should message me. Then she went silent for 4 days. Out of the blue, she messaged me today, telling me she wanted to get a new lip piercing. I was just sort of flabbergasted. She acted as if nothing was different. Of all people she came to be to validate her feelings I suspect, whether or not she was being too impulsive. Then she proceeded to complain how frustrating it feels because she's being treated like a child and no one trusts her ever since her suicide attempt.
I wanted to question her about what she was up to. I wanted to lash out, and question why she's been ignoring me and what she's been doing. But, I played it cool. To be honest Im surprised I reacted as well as I did. I kept my answers short, but still showed interest in what she said... . And then went back to ignoring me.
I really don't know what she was trying to accomplish. Just looking for
validation perhaps? Why me? Perhaps because she doesn't trust her new friends to tell them about her condition? Am I crazy for over analyzing such a pointless conversation?
Has anyone else's person with BPD contacted them out of the blue with such a random topic of conversation?