Hi again chattgirl.
I replied to your other post before reading this one.
He scares me a little. Like he's capable of about anything when enraged without concern for the consequence. He's getting worse.
This feeling is your gut talking to you - listen to it! Go talk all this through with a DV counselor. It cant hurt, and will give some peace of mind. Your own safety/security is your #1 priority, and from there you can figure out the rest.
Very early on in my relationship my wife was threatening me (threatening to drive us both into a concrete wall the next chance she got). I dismissed it as crazy talk (guess what, it WAS but I was too naive to know what this really meant... that she was capable of it). I had a T tell me at the time that 'things do happen and you have to take this seriously'. I didnt do what I should have, and that was address it directly.
I wish I would have. In part to protect myself. But the bigger piece was that for years it was always there in the back of my mind (and honestly still is). The FEAR that if things escalate enough she is capable of anything. This fear isnt healthy and its important to address it.
Keep working on those boundaries! You are asking some great questions and making some important observations.