Good morning--certainly hope this means you're doing great. I continue to have to deal with exbfBPD sabotaging and continue to chase him to have property and money returned--this certainly keeps things in the forefront of my mind. But before pursuing legal remedies, I went NC and waited 3 months so that I could heal and process first. My only caution is to try to FEEL everything and not stuff/hide/deny anything. Stuffing has a way of showing back up when the feelings have festered, and in my case, those feelings show up in anger when I least expect it. As a codependent, I have come to realize much of my life has been severing or denying bad feelings; exBPDbf has brought ALL those feelings to the surface (52+ years worth), and it has been painful as hell.
I've also found it so very painful, yet rewarding. I know that I will never let this happen again. Your healing, healing seems to come and go like waves of the ocean. Just know high tide is on its way.