Sorry to hear about this rough time, fully understand that you have so much to process!
How did it happen that he couldn't even face me to ask for a divorce? I was the one that had to ask, ":)oes this mean you're asking me for a divorce?" Unreal!
By leaving you first (with some one lined up or not) a pwBPD is controlling the demolition. Better a pwBPD thinks he/she is controlling the situation based on their coping mechanism (it is their survival in that situation).
As pwBPD have the emotional maturity of a 4-5 yr. old, subsequently they can’t face guild, so they are stuck in shame (shame is a primary reaction, shame secondary).
Based on that, it would be in a way devastating for him to file for divorce. That is why he pushes you to agree, maybe to file for divorce. Then he is free of any blame…
That is, as experienced and written in many topics on this board, part of the dynamic a NON faces in and after a r/s with pwBPD.
Sorry for being blunt, but it has no sense to a pwBPD to remind them about your love, support, the good times, the history together, nor anything else.
When a pwBPD is in survival mode you are the punitive parent.
As he is already having an affair, that woman is the princess and you are the persecutor, the punitive parent that wants to remind him about values, commitment, love, etc.
Child: ‘mom, I want a cookie’, parent: ‘you can’t have one now’, child: ‘I hate you!’
Maybe it is to abstract as I describe it, but I have been there, had to ask it too, with the same words after exw said in the final uncontrollable outburst ‘I can’t stand it anymore, I will temporally leave the house for my rest!’.
Exw had to file, as I refused; took her a 9 months, so it was and became exw’s divorce, not mine.
Until today exw never used the word ‘divorce’, exw can’t.
Refused twice to shake my hand as a goodbye. The reason? Remain friends and doing nice things together after everything was over…
So, until today exw never said goodbye.
Please prepare yourself despite all your emotions! Separate business from emotions in a divorce!
Special with pwBPD, as
‘when the friendship is over, their mask fall off!’
Once a member named Livia, wrote:
‘They take with no conscience, and leave with no remorse as an emotional 3-4 year old’ -LiviaBTW: you are not being 'replaced', you can't as you are unique! Remember that.