Some other things I noticed
Whenever I watched a movie with sexy girls she would ask me if I'm getting a hard on or that I should go have sex with them
Extreme signs of jealousy
Even things that I saw on facebook other girls posting
I went to lunch one day with my friend.
She told me she went through my whole friend list to see what she looks like
Can you say red flag.?
She also went through all my liked pages on Facebook and made comments about the ones that involved anything to do with girls
Such as gym motivation pages and models with cars
Sometimes while driving my car
I would like to play rap music
She would always change the station and tell me that music is so downgrading to women
It's funny how at the last two weeks
She started listening to rap
Her coworkers are into that music from what she told me so I'm guessing she is copying them and trying to fit in
She would ask me the most bizarre questions
Like do I masturbate to the women in porn
There would be a good looking girl around us and she would tell me to go do her
Or even when I brought up any of my female friends
She would tell me to go have sex with them
I went to a bar with some friends where the waiters wear low skirts and shirts and she asked me did I enjoy myself and get any numbers
Like constant jealousy as if I was to leave her any minute
She also couldn't listen to girl vocals in dance music because supposedly the girls seen so perfect
There was a song that was very popular that was called alive by krewella
I had this song as my ring tone and she took my phone and tossed it in the couch to shut off the song
Maybe she was offended by the lyrics because she feels empty and always told me she was cold
Maybe this was a sign of some sort
If you care to check the lyrics always had her friends list on hidden don Facebook
I saw sometimes that she would get messages from her exs and she told me she wale has wanted to remain friends with them but they never wanted to with her
It's as if she couldn't let them go
Any ways this awesome place to even just write down my ideas
Would appreciate more feedback of what you guys think
Hope I'm not annoying anybody