hi Crushedandconfus, and

boy, it sounds like youve been through it

I'm so confused. Will he ever see that I'm not toxic for him at all? That maybe he should have stayed two years ago like he promised he would and all this would have be avoided?
these are really difficult, and complex circumstances. there are a lot of moving parts.
the two of you had a relationship that ended badly. there are resentments, hurts, baggage.
interfering in his subsequent relationships would have been seen by him as a huge violation. it would add to the resentments, and distrust. the fact that you are friends with some of these women would complicate things enormously.
on some level, youre going to need to reconcile the things you have said about him to these women, and the fact that you want him back.
the fact that he is eager to seek some help is a positive. its the kind of thing though, that would need to be demonstrated for a significant length of time, with concrete actions and steps.
lastly, if he were to jump into a relationship with you right now, it would be a rebound; thats the last thing you want, and things would probably deteriorate very quickly.
i cant understate that reconciling, and doing so on a much healthier and sustainable trajectory would be an undertaking of enormous magnitude. right now, you are chasing something fleeting, at any cost.
in short, you would need to approach things in a radically different way.
are you up for it?