Honestly, I don't know if there's a peaceful way out or not. A lot of it depends on your BF and how it's all approached. Given his anger and his controlling nature, I would definitely recommend you talk to a DV specialist. They're very experienced in these situations and, if you choose to leave, they can help you come up with the best, safest possible plan. Do you have access to a DV agency where you are? Did you look at the safety plan link I gave? It's a good place to start, too. Acting on emotion and ending a relationship like this without careful thought and planning may actually be the least peaceful way to do it. We can help but someone local can probably give you the best individual, detailed advice specific to your own needs.
I understand about feeling embarrassed. When I first placed a call to my local DV center, I felt very embarrassed. I, too, thought I was stronger than this. I'm a journalist and had actually
written about DV before. You'd think I'd know better. But that's faulty thinking. It really can happen to anyone. The counselor I spoke to was knowledgeable, helpful and really made me feel so much better. She also helped me come up with a safety plan, should I need it. In my case, I'm married and share a house with my pwBPD so our situations are a bit different there.
It's not an easy call to make. But, while it feels embarrassing or like a weakness, sometimes making a call like that is the strongest, bravest thing you can do.