We're really doomed to repeat the past until we learn from it and change our behavior aren't we?
A few months ago I planned a trip to see some friends in another state and the ensuing 'consequences' were both epic and chaotic. It really brought my uBPD W's behavior into focus... so much so that CPS was called in. The case was dismissed and I won't go into details (

there's a HUGE thread on that nonsense already).
Things have been fairly 'calm' around here... other than my semi-mental breakdown last weekend. It's no coincidence that it happened a month later - the weekend I was supposed to try to see my friends again. I never made plans because before I could my uBPD W said SHE and her friends were going away... once she was sure I backed off making my plans she dropped hers and we spent the weekend at home with me doing chores...
Anyway, I suspect I might have some form of sleep apnea and we've got a fantastic specialist with a really nice sleep study facility
less than 4 miles from our house!
My wife put up a small fight about me even going to talk to the specialist... in fact her Aunt (who is aware of the uBPD traits) felt the need to 'coincidentally' plan a visit during my appointment to make sure I went. (We've noticed W's behavior is 'normal'-ish when other people are over). My wife insisted that I shouldn't be upset or expect the doctor to not even want to do a sleep study otherwise "you'll be coming home with some equipment."
The doctor took one look at me and my family history and immediately recommended the in-depth over night study.
When I got home my W didn't even acknowledge where I had been. She didn't ask and instead flooded me with a TON of information about random various topics... felt like she was doing anything to keep me from talking about my appointment. It wasn't until her Aunt asked me that I was able to mention that the doc wants to do an overnight study."
"at home?" my wife asked cutting me off.
"That would be more convenient, but nope they want to do the full evaluation on me with brain and leg monitoring."
"...when?" she asked.
"Not sure, but they'll call me in a few days to schedule."
She dropped it like the conversation didn't happen. The doctor brought up a few points (that I conveyed to her and her Aunt) that suggest there could be something going on with my sleep that could lead to serious health issues down the road. My W didn't seem to want to hear it. After that she didn't bring it up.
Two days later I get a call from the sleep doc's office- insurance approved! So we get me on the books asap. I'm going in just a few days!
I immediately make a plan to have us take her Aunt out for dinner and then drop me off at the sleep facility
3.2 miles away leaving my W with the car (we had two cars but my W decided my car 'wasn't safe' so I'm not allowed to drive it anymore...) I tell my wife - not ask - that I'm doing the overnight study on this date and my plans about her Aunt. She just says okay and writes in her datebook and hasn't mentioned it since. Unlike last time I tried to plan a night away I've already told the kids and they don't seem to care. Granted, this is a very different situation (medical thing and it's only one night a few miles away).
That was yesterday... last night was tough. She's started the "you don't love me anymore" script again... I don't think it's a coincidence that she's also sharply become very harsh and reactive to our 8 year old's behavior. The kid just said "mommy, you've been annoying lately." My W reacted badly to this... accused the kid of being a bully... to her... an adult.
After the kids were in bed she started sobbing and saying she's a failure, the kids should go back to school, and (the most dominant theme) that she's tired of being "blamed for things that aren't her fault or in trouble when she didn't do anything wrong!" She later accused me (as we're going to sleep) of being uncaring and unsupportive because I didn't once try to physically comfort her. I responded by saying that I felt that some of her anger was at me and that I wasn't sure if I should because last time she nearly took a swing at me for trying to hug her.
Also want to point out that during my emotional breakdowns I beg her not to touch me. When I'm upset I don't want to be touched - my skin feels weird.
She ignored that request and forced herself onto me. I begged her to stop touching me but she instead just squeezed/hugged me tighter. It was just a hug but I felt violated and angry.
Long long story short... just looking to commiserate. Anyone else experience anything similar?
My focus with my therapist is shifting to building up my self esteem/self image so I can work on ending this relationship.
Currently reading "Splitting" on my phone.