Hi Chief Drizzt,
I also have the problem of being very fatigued. For me it is after I’ve eaten and the kids are napping and I’m just sitting watching telly with my wife. I finally relax and that minute I nod off and then my wife starts moaning that we rarely get any quality time and when we do I fall asleep. And I feel so sad that I don’t have a partner who cares enough to just let me stay asleep, ever.
In my darker past, I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer within 2 years of being with my wife. At that time I barely slept as my wife was so demanding and I was so stressed out constantly about everything. I was 38 years old, young (ish) to get breast cancer but also it’s very unusual to manifest in both breasts which I hardly ever seem to hear of. And yes I do make the connection between my bpd relationship, mental anguish, lack of sleep and getting bilateral breast cancer at a young age.
So sorry to hear about your health issues with the breast cancer. Thankfully my wife lets me sleep - at least for now. I’m not sure what I would if she didn’t.