Okay... .So a few weeks back I learnt from this site I had invalidated my BPD friend by telling him I didn't think he cared about me because of his behaviour. I have since sent a fb msg as he blocked me on whatsapp. He has read the message but not replied.
Any way I think I'm still 'black'. Now some mutual friends met up for lunch and he turned up an hour and a half late so as he came in I left (had to get back to work). A friend told me afterwards my BPD friend has a gf. Yes I am upset and hurt so here's the issue... .
Is he telling the truth?
When my ex and I were together be told me he didn't want to be someone's security blanket. He told me weeks ago he didn't trust anyone.
Once he said he didn't know what love was or how it felt.
He told me before that he was 'in love' with this girl he is Apprently with now. I pulled him up on this and he said he was over her.
He also said to me when my ex and I split that he didn't want to get involved and it was between us - which is fair enough but why would u want to get involved with someone with kids living next to your dad?
This girl was In a relationship with kids and I believe getting married.
It looks like from fb they have split up but my friend is still friends with her ex boyfriend (she isn't) - strange?
She put up some status picture saying I love you in Latin and my friend has commented in Latin saying something about love being sacred and it has a price and valuation with a few kisses. I'm not sure exactly what it says because it's Latin

I heard she was the one to move out so I wonder if she cheated... .I don't know! But I'm amazed if my BPD friend is seeing her and If he is why has made so many desperate efforts to avoid abdoment with me? Why is it the littlest thing I do triggers him and he has said he can't be in a relationship he's too selfish.
Is it possible he could be saying he's with her so that I find out? I haven't reacted for this reason. His dad lives next door to the said couple so it would be very awkward If they had for together.
I'm confused and hurt and whilst I'm black in his eyes I have no way of finding out. I don't want to ask other people.