Hi, Mary79, and thanks so much for sharing.
It sounds like it's been an incredibly stressful time all around. Two kids, a suicide, and a dying mother, with BPD on top of all that--no wonder she's lashing out and you're feeling unhappy. I can tell you care deeply about your partner and want to help her, because you've invested so much in the relationship. At the same time, it is so difficult to feel like you're in a circular argument and your own needs aren't being met. I hope you will find this board a good place to feel centered and supported.
I understand your partner isn't ready to seek counseling services. What about you--have you ever thought about seeking some professional support? It can feel overwhelming trying to navigate a relationship with someone who has these emotions and behaviors, and talking with someone really can help. It sounds like you are feeling sad about being isolated from your family and friends, and that you feel you can't reach out to them without upsetting your partner. It may help to start thinking about your needs for boundaries even within your partnership. It's so important to find ways to take care of you, too.
You may have already found our Lessons board. A couple of things that I come back to regularly are
Boundaries and Values and
Communicate-S.E.T.(Support, Empathy, Truth). I also remember the first time I read this one--it was eye-opening for me,
as I was so accustomed to being in a position where I felt i needed to explain or defend myself:
Stopping Circular Arguments. These resources may have some information that will help you, as well.
What kinds of things do you do to help yourself feel grounded and happy? Are you able to do something small every day to show love to yourself?
Looking forward to hearing more from you!