Hi azby,
I can relate with your statement. I recall st one point I thought that I was losing my mind because nothing that I tried worked and I was always the problem been in the r/s. It was very frustrating and deslressing when you keep trying and trying and your partner can’t see the enormous effort that your putting into the r/s. It’s heartbreaking seeming someone being destructive towards the r/s and you watch the whole thing fall apart in from my of you.
I tried to figure what was wrong by asking my friends and family and i got some strange looks and the advice was sound you just apply to a r/s with a pwBPD. I had zero knowledge about BPD and I feel ridiculous for says g this today but it was very real to me when I was going through it - I thought that I was going through something unique that nobody else was going through.
I felt a lot of joy when I was lurking these boards and reading through posts sand thinking wow a lot of these members went through the exact same thing I went through. You’re not alone.