Welcome, Finallytime2heal!
Please let me join
bluek9 and
Mutt in welcoming you to the discussion forums. You, no doubt, see from reading the posts here that you are far from alone.
Thank you for sharing with us what you have thus far:
While I continue to get text saying she loves me and she's sure we can work this out, more than anything I want HER to get help. I seeked counseling and discovered the honest truth is... .she probably never will because she doesn't think it's her, it's everyone else.
Unfortunately, this may be true. But, I applaud your sense that you need a place like this in order to receive the support and guidance necessary in order to preserve a relationship with your mother. We're so glad you're here.
Now I need to learn how to protect myself and my children from these outburst and set boundaries that, hopefully, will allow me to have a relationship with her. Although I realize it will never be a healthy relationship, I'm not ready to abandon the whole thing all together.
Yes, boundaries are a great way to protect yourself and your children from future damage. We can help you with this, and we understand that your boundary-setting muscles may be a little soft right now, and that's okay. Little by little, step by step, we erect healthy boundaries in order to help others know how to modulate their behavior in keeping with loving relationships.
Please feel free to post - tell us more about what is going on your life and what, if any, plans you might have for the future. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Keep writing, keep processing, keep learning!