I wouldn't even think twice if I were treated bad by a normal person. Just thinking that they can't help what they are doing, makes you want to reach out. Especially if you have a codependent personality like me.
Yes... .Well... .I am (codependent) and it does hurt. I understand completely what you mean. In the past when I ended relationships I was never cruel, but past relationships were far easier for me to process --we would have a long talk and end our time together.
This one is different. The affair I had with an undiagnosed border line shook me to my foundation. Even after all of the 'no contact' her Instagram post yesterday (yes... .I was weak and unblocked to look) was her teaching ballet to young children. 'Trying to be strong and still be your girl'. It is heartbreaking. --also she knows my love of children. She knows how to pull my heartstrings like no other person on earth.
However... .This is the same person who after ghosting me for the longest week of my life finally wrote a response to my pleading messages 'So Boring'... .
In another instance I wrote her 'You are putting me through Hell' -her response 'I know'.
I bring these examples up as much as a warning to you as they are a reminder to me. Yes -she is the most beautiful people I have met, and I mean inner beauty. However because of her (assumed) personality disorder she would shred me limb from limb. She is also the worst person I have ever met.
Yes -as you said they (presumably) have a disorder [I say this because I am not a mental health care professional and cannot actually diagnose her] and she cannot help her rage, her lying, and (alleged) cheating. She lives in tragic darkness and I had hoped to love her to health. --I cannot.
I think often of the parable of the scorpion and the frog. I ended our relationship because I feared her very nature. If I had stayed with her she may or may not have felt badly when she destroyed me and it may or may not have taken years to do so. -I will never know, but I could not take that chance.
I hope some of this gives you some solace.
I feel subhuman, and hated. I know I shouldn't care. It does hurt though
You are not subhuman. You are a caring man in pain.
Hated? ok... .You may be hated... .Mine was able to show hatred like no other human being I have ever met -she is a hatred ninja master.
Detaching, processing and accepting my loss of her is taking me some time... . Well... .a lot of time. It does seem to be getting better day by day.
Wicker Man