Welcome to bpdfamily, you'll find plenty of help here and plenty of people willing to listen and help you work through your current situation. It's great you are seeing a therapist, reading and generally trying to understand your situation. Space is good sometimes and enables us to take a more distant look at the dynamics of our relationship whilst not 'in it'.
From what you have written it sounds like you are trying to resolve issues but there is still a lot of sensitivity in the relationship and simple conversation turn into arguments. As you seem to be aware, using effective communication tools can lessen the chances that these conversations turn into arguments. That's not to say that you will no longer have any conflict, but you are less likely to fuel the fire.
The tools can be found in the section to the right
under lessons
Communication Skills - Don't be invalidatingAs partners of high conflict / emotionally sensitive people it's not uncommon for us to take the path of least resistance to avoid further conflict. Often this is a wise choice but sometimes it isn't, sometimes we take ownership or bare the consequences for our partner rather than them deal with the pain, economic cost or inconvenience themselves. I am not here to judge, nor do I know enough facts about the apartment situation to form an opinion. If you believe strongly that it is right for you to be back in the apartment since it is your name on the lease then maybe you feel it is appropriate that you are there and not her. This encroaches on the territory of 'boundaries' however from the info you have given it sounds like it was a mutual decision for you to move out, it's just the timeline of her moving out which is 'creeping'. Have a read of this article and see how that fits with your predicament. It would seem that the boundary is the timeline creep of her moving out, not whether you're to move back in.
BoundariesProviding us with as much information as possible will help us understand the dynamics of your relationship. What other areas you are concerned with? I highly recommend you read some of the other chats on the forum and participate in other threads. Individual experiences are great to learn from and may help reduce any anxiety you may feel about your situation.