I seem to fail most in my relationship when I let my fear react. I will start to defend my self to someone that does not think logically. For instance the damned if you do and damned if you do not scenarios.
A new think I have been working on is when I catch myself I immediately stop. Then I go on about my day like nothing strange has happened. She generally comes back after a while of acting 12 and starts to talk with me. I feel like I am talking to a kid when this happens.
… a tool I use… "AHA"
*Aware, understand its happening, a dysregulation, emotions high, about to go high and right…
*Halt, means just what it says, stop, halt, don't engage… so you can process, and not set her off,
*Adjust, now that you have stopped the possible irreversible dysregulation, as in your inevitable contribution to a full on fight… now think of the tools you can use to deescalate… to validate, SET (support, empathy, truth), etc'.
Acronym "A-H-A"!
Hope this may help a little, Red5