It's funny, but turing 40 as a woman has somehow
given me permission to feel positive entitlement about being an ok person... .
Now, don't get me wrong, I freaked out when I actually TURNED 40, in May: I had no bf, no close friends, no great job and so I drank too much at a party and hooked up with a way-younger man who had treated me badly in the past
But once I got the self-pity out of my system, I find I use "40" a lot now. Meaning someone will say something negative about me and I'll just think, "so what? I'm 40, what do I care what you think about me?"

Even more important than caring what negative people say, I'm so much better now at saying that to the bully in my head! I give myself time and space and compassion to do things not-perfectly! I tell myself, "dang, I'm 40! I survived, and I'm thriving, and I'm doing good! Screw you, negative self-esteem!" As long as I'm continuing to work on growing as a person and achieving health and treating the people around me with love and compassion, then I figure I'm on a good path. I can't wait until 50!