I'll have to kindly disagree.

With someone that is Psychopath,I could see that.I could see them using someone from the very beginning of the RS to manipulate them.
With BPD however,the beginning of the RS isn't like that.They're attracted because they idealize the qualities of someone.They see them as better than they really are.We're all human,but to them,the SO is put on a pedestal.They can do no wrong.They want to be like them.They want to be them.
My exBPDgf NEVER did anything mean or bad to me personally.She wanted me happy and she wanted the best for me.I started believing that I deserved that too.That was MY issue.
We never got to the devaluation stage,so I can't speak for that.She made some mistakes that were beyond my boundaries,and I walked away basically.She tried to recycle,and it would have happened if I hadn't been aware of BPD.
I don't think they have sinister motives from the beginning.They see us as all white.It isn't until they see us as all black that we begin to question things and then we push back by seeing them as "evil".Sometimes it takes being painted black to see the other side of them,because we so badly want to believe the "all white" side of us too.
My exBPDgf has a really caring heart.She has some great qualities and is very smart.It's her disorder that gets in the way of her enjoying a fullfilling life.