Take the Pledge (check all that you can commit to).
-- My child has a mental illness that has both biological and psychological roots and will need both medical and therapeutic treatment to manage their disorder.
186 (11.2%)
-- The social environment in which my child has been raised contributes to the severity of their disorder. I take responsibility for my contribution to that social environment.
163 (9.8%)
-- I understand that while my child has difficulty maintaining healthy relationships, they are not totally to blame for the relationship difficulties.
185 (11.2%)
-- Role-modeling is the most powerful tool available to teach my child positive behaviors.
171 (10.3%)
-- To be a role model requires strength, commitment, patience, and self-awareness. I accept the responsibility to examine my own life and parenting skills and make needed changes.
194 (11.7%)
-- Influencing change in my child requires love, motivation, validation, and structure.
189 (11.4%)
-- Both of us have a role in the “cycle of conflict” and I accept the responsibility to learn and implement conflict diffusion and problem solving skills.
199 (12%)
-- I will teach family members to be loving and have healthy boundaries with my child. When a family member is becoming overwhelmed by my child I will intervene and support that family member.
166 (10%)
-- I welcome challenges from BPDFamily.com members, even when the question and challenge may be emotionally upsetting. I commit myself to speaking the truth in love when challenging other BPDFamily.com members.