Back to chaos - what is it? Is it a state of mind when we feel things are out of control?
Chaos for a pwBPD is a result of living based in emotions that are overpowering - survival even in the chaos is the goal.
Do those with PD's not really feel or understand the negative effect of chaos on themselves and others?
They are surviving - chaos is more normal to them than to you, so they do it better than you.
Is chaos manufacturing a trait of BPD?
chaos is a result of living in emotional responses rather than discipline and logic - mature responses.
Again, I just function better with reduced chaos and I have to believe that is the trait of a healthy person. Am I all wet here?
Emotionally mature people tend to make decisions based in a wise mind - actually Scott Peck talks about this in Road Less Traveled.
So, the million dollar question for you - why did you go into 3 years of chaos? What purpose did it serve for you?