What an insightful post - looking to the right of the stages of detachment, you really are digging deep in the self inquiry, letting yourself process this stuff is really the challenge - leaning into the pain.
Then I took a hard look in the mirror- the real mirror, and I didn't like what I saw. So I stopped those activities. But my issues are still there, I am codependent. I didn't escape my screwed up childhood unscathed like I thought I did. I have work to do.
I had done FOO work before my relationship, but the layer and level of work after was huge. Grieving the lost childhood and being ok with just me was big work indeed.
Do you have a T you are working with on this?
We are breaking up and though my heart says NO NO NO! My head says Please make it stop.
Getting the head and the heart in the same spot has proved a daunting task indeed. I have lost my lover, my best friend, my dreams of a happy life together has been shattered.
I am sorry you are hurting DB - this is so hard. Once I let myself process the emotions around what was real or not - it was my dreams that took the longest to heal.
The article that I carried around and really helped me stay grounded in reality was article 9 -
https://bpdfamily.com/bpdresources/nk_a109.htmwhen you start to get stuck, read this and then you can identify what needs another round of processing.
Thanks for sharing. Hang in there