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Author Topic: My story  (Read 468 times)
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Posts: 149

« on: June 25, 2014, 02:02:52 AM »

Hi, just a quick summary of a recent relationship/break up with someone who I believe has BPD traits, after reading/researching and counseling. Be interested in your thoughts. I am 43 and she is 36.

Met this beautiful girl over a year ago while on a night out, we chatted agreed to go for supper, she bailed out last minute (it transpired she had done the same with another bloke) so she went out with him for supper instead, this then turned into a 8 month relationship with him.

I never found out how it ended with them, she stated he dumped her then during another conversation she dumped him, anyway, two weeks after the break up I received a phone call, we then went out for supper.

It was great, we gelled instantly, a lot of sexual chemistry, a lot of laughs etc etc however she said she didn't wish to be in a relationship at the time and offered me a FWB situation to which I told her no way, so we started a relationship.

I honestly thought this was (and still do sadly) the one person I could end up with for life, we had a lot of sex, a lot of unprotected sex, we both had goals that we wanted children and I was convinced that this girl was the one. It all went so very well for 2 months, she then fell pregnant (understandably) I suggested that she move in with me which she did. We were both happy re the pregnancy however I had reservations re timing, I became withdrawn and emotionally switched off/cold whilst pondering this issue. Eventually I told her that I thought we should have an abortion but I stated that whatever decision she made I would support her 100% (she said I never said this)

So an abortion was carried out. She then said she thought it best we didn't see each other anymore.

She moved out to a friends house and we didn't talk for a month, I stupidly ran into an ex's arms and slept with her (just once).

After this event my original ex got back in contact and I thought we could reconcile, until the one I slept with proudly informed my ex that we had slept together……

So all a real mess…. We talked and tried to understand the reasons why everything happened, it was good and we really got to know each other a bit more. Now this is when things all changed. We saw each other more and more and eventually became lovers, she didn't wish to have a relationship but was happy to have everything else from me. She then started being critical about anything and everything, too fat too thin, clothes not right etc, I was too nice etc etc

She'd instigate all correspondence via text or e-mail, ask me round, I 'd go, we'd have supper, go to bed, have sex most of the night, then in the morning she'd be fine and then go cold. Hardly get a text off her. I'd call but she was short and cold. So I had the push-pull emotions, I was never sure how she'd be form one hour to the next. She never had a rages that I could see although she did a couple of times go to throw things across the room but stopped.

She would tell me sex with me was vanilla, she would talk about her ex constantly. She defriended me on FB whilst befriending her ex. She signed up to Tinder and Match.com (while we were in the latter stages of the relationship)

She would go out without me on a friday night and drink herself into oblivion, then proceed to tell me about the blokes that were chatting her up etc, her mother was and still is an alcoholic and my ex and her twin sister had to look after her while very young, father was away a lot.

She could not discuss her emotions or how she felt, if i ever asked her about them she would never give a straight answer and would turn it around 180 degree, so much so that I would end up feeling guilty for asking such.

She would be very happy for me to take her for supper, ask to be taken away for the w-end etc which was fine but she never appreciated it, almost appearing that it was to be expected.

Towards the end, I felt she treated me with zero respect, she had no idea how her actions were making me feel, insecure, unsure, needy, empty, I was sleeping circa 3 hrs a night, couldn't eat, lost a stone and half and was generally miserable, just waiting for the slight signs of a "good bit" I was becoming codependent I believe. This from someone who is confident with a fairly positive outlook on life, successful and a decent business, and yet the treatment just carried on despite still saying she loved me.

So it rumbled on, until eventually after 3 months of trying, always feeling like she had one foot out of the circle with me having both feet in. We had a lovely w-end together, woke up Monday morning, made love and went to work. She sends me a text suggesting we go out the following eve for supper in the morning and then another mid afternoon saying we needed to talk. I phoned her to find out about it only to be told she wished to have a relationship but not with me and also the I love you but am not in love with you line.

I suspect she slept with someone three nights prior as noticed some things in the bedroom were not how the were last time I looked and some other pointers, I never mentioned this.

There are a lot more detailed facts involved which I have not mentioned.

So some questions, I am aware that the abortion would have a profound effect on anyone, her and also me (my effects occurred later) So she could have been seeking revenge subconsciously, she could have just been confused? Or she just couldn't face the prospect of reminders of it from me.

I stated she just used me for support, sex and suppers for the three months, she never tried despite saying she did. I question if she shows signs of BPD or if it was just a bad relationship, toxic despite how amazingly well it started. She had obviously been very hurt in the past and I got the sense that even if there was no abortion/pregnancy involved that after the honeymoon period it may have ended anyway as felt she couldn't do the "mundane"

We have been in NC for nearly 2 months now, I am slightly better after sinking to a very low place indeed, depression and also suicidal thoughts but things are getting better. I have never suffered from depression.

She on the other hand was on a dating site less than 24 hrs after dumping me and assume she has moved on, which is fine. I dearly would love to get back with her as still feel we have unfinished business but cannot understand why I wish for this, all logic points to "run run run" but I would have her back tomorrow.

Sorry I feel the above is not terribly well structured and probably misses some important facts but it's a start.

Even after 2 months I think about here non stop and every day get up and have hope that she will contact me, we have her Due Date coming up soon, I unblocked her from everything with the idea she may get in contact if she needs to as I am sure it will be a very tough day for both of us, she just blocked me on FB but don't know what else she's blocked me on as have not tried to contact her as cannot take any more rejection, criticism lies etc from her.

So a basic outline, any thoughts, questions, I know I have my issues and it was a big car crash of a relationship but am still trying to come to terms with it all. I suspect it'll take a year or two to get over, have no desire to date or even see other girls as am still madly in love with this girl.

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Gender: Male
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Who in your life has "personality" issues: Ex-romantic partner
Relationship status: Divorced Oct 2015
Posts: 10400

« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2014, 10:08:51 AM »

Hi Ventus2ct,

No need to apologize for structure. A lot of us have a lot to get off of our chests when we get here. You're feeling depressed, confused, anguish and self-doubt that she may or may not be BPD. We're not professionals and cannot give a dx. My ex is undiagnosed and I look at it from the angle of what kinds of toxic behaviors do I accept upon myself from people in my life?

Borderline Personality Disorder is a spectrum disorder. Some do not display outward disproportionate anger. She displays impulsive behavior if she is triggered and is about to throw something.  Our personality traits play a role in these relationships and we tend to become defensive to their dysfunctional behavior and become triggers. Another dynamic that comes into play is the push / pull behavior and I do read some of that in your post. They cope differently than you or I and have many defense mechanisms and move on much quicker. It's painful to us in that regards, it's as if we never meant anything or never existed, it is disassociation.

Her due date is likely triggering some of the emotions that you are feeling and that is normal. You feel like you are stuck and cannot think about anyone else but her in the last two months. It's a difficult place to be. I'm sorry. Are you working with a therapist?

“Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you.”—Ali ibn abi Talib


"Let go or be dragged" -Zen proverb
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Gender: Male
What is your sexual orientation: Straight
Posts: 149

« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2014, 01:48:47 AM »

Hi Ventus2ct,

No need to apologize for structure. A lot of us have a lot to get off of our chests when we get here. You're feeling depressed, confused, anguish and self-doubt that she may or may not be BPD. We're not professionals and cannot give a dx. My ex is undiagnosed and I look at it from the angle of what kinds of toxic behaviors do I accept upon myself from people in my life?

Borderline Personality Disorder is a spectrum disorder. Some do not display outward disproportionate anger. She displays impulsive behavior if she is triggered and is about to throw something.  Our personality traits play a role in these relationships and we tend to become defensive to their dysfunctional behavior and become triggers. Another dynamic that comes into play is the push / pull behavior and I do read some of that in your post. They cope differently than you or I and have many defense mechanisms and move on much quicker. It's painful to us in that regards, it's as if we never meant anything or never existed, it is disassociation.

Her due date is likely triggering some of the emotions that you are feeling and that is normal. You feel like you are stuck and cannot think about anyone else but her in the last two months. It's a difficult place to be. I'm sorry. Are you working with a therapist?

“Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you.”—Ali ibn abi Talib

Yes, have been for the last 5 months, so she has seen (or heard) all that I have been going through, it's been enlightening.

Yes, all the feelings you mention are apparent within me.

I realize that the boundaries I would normally have in a relationship were simply not in place towards the end and yes, I was defensive and guess the downward spiral started and never stopped.

I almost felt as if she was under the impression that everything was "owed" to her, be it gifts, cars, suppers etc etc. I for example bought a tractor for the farm around Christmas time, she stated that I shouldn't have done it and instead should have spent the money on a present on her!

Her job, she works in PR, she made out that she was so busy, it was as if nobody else has a job, stated I was lazy (I run a large farm single handedly, so can assure you I am not lazy!)

Socially, we would go out for supper together very often but I only went out with her twice with her friends, I never pressed on an explanation for this. If we were asked out, she would always state being tired.

Re moving on, yes, it seems that she is fine, outwardly anyway but then I have not snooped as feel it would only put me back. So I assume she will just move onto the next person for a wash and repeat, it seems to me that the initial lust/honeymoon period is all she is interested in, once that is over the troubles start. Is this normal?

Its pretty hard to come to terms with, the fact that the last 8-9 months meant nothing to her but understand thats life.

So in effect her behavior was triggered by me or would she be the same with anyone else? Just curious, I sense that she has lots of short term relationships, always the victim. She seems to have a high turnover of friends and not a huge number of them either.

The whole sex side of it was very similar to a lot of stories on here, she never withheld but instead was the opposite. I also sensed that she was used to a more abusive relationship and simply couldn't cope with someone genuinely being nice to her (this the last 3 months of the relationship)

Yes, DD, that will be hard for both, did think to send a card saying I was thinking of her but will see how my gut feels at the time (have a month to decide) maybe best to just let sleeping dogs lie.

I did unblock her on all means of communication in case she wished to contact me re a chat about the DD but she blocked me on FB 2 days later, out of spite? who knows? So she obviously was keying in my name.

So question, once they discard do they ever come back into our lives again? Or do they just keep going forward from car crash to car crash? Just feel that if she contacted me in the next couple of months I wouldn't be strong enough to say "no" and where I'm now I would still actually like to sort it out, but am aware that I am in no emotional state to go out with anyone.

I suspect that she will start another relationship pretty quickly (if not already) and in circa 6 months time it will fail and guess thats when she will reconnect or breadcrumb?

She always maintains that she always stays friends with all her ex's, as she offered me the "lets be friends" straight after dumping me, told her to bu**er off on that one.

So after the discard, how do they cope? How do they get over it so quickly? Is it because the feelings they stated they had are just an illusion or simply that they just don't feel that emotionally deep like we do? I have never been like this ever before in my life, its a strange old world!

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