I didn't really know what to title this thread. I've been NC for almost 2 months now and from a mutual friend, I found out something interesting. For lack of a better word.
I was hanging out with a mutual friend the other night who informed me that my ex's dBPD mother left her second husband and moved in with my ex. I had an inkling something was up before my exBPD left me but it was interesting hearing my suspicions confirmed. This is the same mother who decided to get married just a few months after me and my exBPD were married. The same mother that hooked up with some of my ex's high school friends at parties she threw them (while my ex was in high school). The same mother that took student loans out in my ex's name and used them for herself without my ex's knowing. The same mother that my exBPD has cut in and out of her life countless times. It's like they've been in perpetual competition with one another. There are other legal issues that I won't go into here but I think this paints the general picture. Reading this back and remember all of this really makes me wonder what the heck was going on in my head.
But now they get to go through divorces together. Two peas in a pod. My divorce date can't come soon enough.
Lot's of dysfunction in my exBPDgf's FOO... .she and I actually had conversations about how her mom was ground zero for the dysfunction... .the cause of it, for reasons that were sometimes hard to articulate. My ex actually kept her distance from her mom from quite a while in recognition of the "unhealthiness" in her.
But when we broke up? Mom was there every day helping her pack. Two peas in a pod indeed... .